
全部:700多M  https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-sans/releases/tag/1.001R

可选部分Github : https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-sans/

In principal it is the same in Ubuntu 12.04 as in Win7:

  • Unzip the font files from the downloaded archive.
  • Select the single font or multiple fonts for installation in the file manager.
  • Right click the selection and choose "Open with Font Viewer" (I am not sure about the exact wording, but in German it is called "Mit Font Viewer öffnen").
  • The Font Viewer shows the font and provides a "Install Font" button.
  • Clicking the "Install Font" button installs the Font.

btw. I am using the Source Code Pro now happily in Qt Creator 2.5. Thanks a lot!


  1. ^ 电脑无法显示的字体,会出现空白的方格,这些方格又称为“豆腐”,而Noto字体的目的就是要消灭这些豆腐(意即尽可能地补上缺少的字符),所以“Noto”一词其实源自于“No Tofu”(没豆腐)。[2]


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