$(document).ready( function(){
$contentLoadTriggered = false;
if($("#mainDiv").scrollTop() >= ($("#wrapperDiv").height() -
$("#mainDiv").height()) && $contentLoadTriggered == false)
$contentLoadTriggered == false)
$contentLoadTriggered = true;
type: "POST",
url: "LoadOnScroll.aspx/GetDataFromServer",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: true,
cache: false,
success: function (msg) {
$contentLoadTriggered = false;
error: function (x, e){
alert("The call to the server side failed. " +


var range = 50;             //距下边界长度/单位px
var totalheight = 0;
var num ={$data|count};
var is_load =true;
var main = $("#con"); //主体元素
var srollPos = $(window).scrollTop(); //滚动条距顶部距离(页面超出窗口的高度)
totalheight = parseFloat($(window).height()) + parseFloat(srollPos);
if(($(document).height()-range) <= totalheight && is_load == true) {
if(num < 5 ){
return false;
is_load = false;
url : '{:u("Index/post_json")}',
type : 'post',
data : {"num":num,"sch_time":sch_time,"city_from":city_from,"city_dst":city_dst},
dataType : 'json',
success : function(msg) {
myobj=eval(msg); if(num == myobj['nums']){
is_load = false; //停止加载
return false;
for(var i=0;i<myobjs.length;i++){
ht='<div class="trip_li">';
ht+='<img class="hot" src="__ROOT__/Public/images/icon_hot.png">';
if(myobjs[i]['fleet'].join_uf == 1){
ht+='<img class="uf" src="__ROOT__/Public/images/icon_uf.png">';
ht+='<button type="button" class="bespoke" onclick=javascript:window.location.href="'+"{:u('Index/order')}"+'/scid/'+myobjs[i].id+'">立即预约</button>';
ht+='<dt><font>'+myobjs[i].from_city+'</font> <img src="__ROOT__/Public/images/icon_go.png" /> <font>'+myobjs[i].dst_city+'</font></dt>';
ht+='<dd>发车时间:<i class="times">'+myobjs[i].sch_time+'</i></dd>';
ht+='<dd><i class="red">¥'+myobjs[i].money+'</i> <i class="red">空位数: '+myobjs[i].used+'/'+myobjs[i].seat+'</i> </dd>';
main.append(ht); }
is_load =true; //恢复加载功能 }
}); }


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