


  1. Both side of the cable agree in advance on the communication parameters (speed, format...). That's done manually before communication starts.
  2. The transmitter sends "idle" (="1") when and as long as the line is idle.
  3. The transmitter sends "start" (="0") before each byte transmitted, so that the receiver can figure out that a byte is coming.
  4. The 8 bits of the byte data are sent.
  5. The transmitter sends "stop" (="1") after each byte.


  • 1200 bauds.
  • 9600 bauds.
  • 38400 bauds.
  • 115200 bauds (usually the fastest you can go).

At 115200 bauds, each bit lasts
(1/115200) = 8.7µs. If you transmit 8-bits data, that lasts 8 x 8.7µs = 69µs. But each byte requires an extra start and stop bit, so you actually need10 x 8.7µs = 87µs. That translates
to a maximum speed of 11.5KBytes per second.

At 115200 bauds, some PCs with buggy chips require a "long" stop bit (1.5 or 2 bits long...) which make the maximum speed drop to around 10.5KBytes per second.



  • "1" is sent using -10V (or between -5V and -15V).
  • "0" is sent using +10V (or between 5V and 15V).




reg [10:0] acc;   // 11 bits total!

always @(posedge clk)

  acc <= acc[9:0] + 59; // use only 10 bits from the previous result, but save the full 11 bits

wire BaudTick = acc[10]; // so that the 11th bit is the carry-out




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