

  1. [root@SZDB ~]# more purge_datedir.sh
  2. #!/bin/bash
  3. # Author: Leshami
  4. # Blog  : http://blog.csdn.net/leshami
  5. RemoveDir=/log/hotbak/physical
  6. dt=`date +%Y%m%d -d "3 day ago"`
  7. for subdir in `ls $RemoveDir`;
  8. do
  9. if [ "${subdir}" \< "${dt}" ];
  10. then
  11. rm -rf $RemoveDir/$subdir >/dev/null
  12. echo "The directory $RemoveDir/$subdir has been removed."
  13. fi
  14. done


  1. [root@SZDB ~]# ls /log/hotbak/physical
  2. 20141203  20141210  20141217  20141224  20141231  20150107  20150114  20150125  tmp.sh
  3. 20141207  20141214  20141221  20141228  20150104  20150111  20150121  20150128
  4. [root@SZDB ~]# ./purge_datedir.sh
  5. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141203 has been removed.
  6. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141207 has been removed.
  7. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141210 has been removed.
  8. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141214 has been removed.
  9. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141217 has been removed.
  10. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141221 has been removed.
  11. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141224 has been removed.
  12. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141228 has been removed.
  13. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20141231 has been removed.
  14. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20150104 has been removed.
  15. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20150107 has been removed.
  16. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20150111 has been removed.
  17. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20150114 has been removed.
  18. The directory /log/hotbak/physical/20150121 has been removed.
  19. [root@SZDB ~]# ls /log/hotbak/physical
  20. 20150125  20150128


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