#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
typedef unsigned int SIZE_T;
using namespace std; /** HashMap模板的C++实现,用拉链法解决冲突
*注意:需要为每一种KeyType两个仿函数:HashFunc and EqualKey
*/ template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType, typename HashFunc, typename EqualKey>
class HashMap{
#define DEFAULT_CAPACITY 43 // hash表初始化容量
#define LOADFACTOR 0.7 //负载因子 class KeyNode{ //存放key value对
KeyType key;
ValueType value;
KeyNode *next;
KeyNode(const KeyNode & rhs){
const KeyNode & operator =(const KeyNode & rhs){
return *this;
void Assign(const KeyNode & rhs){
this->key = rhs.key;
this->value = rhs.value;
this->next = rhs.next;
table = new KeyNode* [DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
::memset(table,,DEFAULT_CAPACITY * sizeof(KeyNode*));
size =;
hash = HashFunc();
equal = EqualKey();
bool put(const KeyType & key, const ValueType & value){
SIZE_T index = hash(key) % capacity;
if(table[index] == NULL){
KeyNode *temp = new KeyNode();
temp->key = key;
temp->value = value;
temp->next =NULL;
table[index] = temp; }else{
KeyNode * pre=table[index]; while(pre->next != NULL){
if(equal(pre->key, key)) return false; //重复
pre = pre->next;
if(equal(pre->key, key)) return false; //重复
KeyNode *temp = new KeyNode();
temp->key = key;
temp->value = value;
temp->next =NULL;
pre->next = temp;
size ++;
if(size*1.0/capacity > LOADFACTOR) this->rehash();
return true;
bool remove(const KeyType & key){
SIZE_T index = hash(key) % capacity;
if(table[index] == NULL) return false;
KeyNode *temp = table[index];
table[index] = temp->next;
delete temp;
size --;
return true;
while(temp->next != NULL){
if(equal(temp->next->key, key)){
KeyNode * del = temp->next;
temp->next = del->next;
delete del;
size --;
return true;
temp = temp->next;
return false;
bool exist(const KeyType & key)const{
SIZE_T index = hash(key) % capacity;
if(table[index] == NULL) return false;
KeyNode *temp = table[index];
while(temp!= NULL){
if(equal(temp->key,key)) return true;
temp = temp->next;
return false;
KeyNode find(const KeyType & key){
SIZE_T index = hash(key) % capacity;
if(table[index] == NULL) return NULL;
KeyNode *temp = table[index];
while(temp!= NULL){
if(equal(temp->key,key)) return *temp;
temp = temp->next;
return NULL;
ValueType & operator[](const KeyType & key){
if(!exist(key)) put(key,ValueType());
return get(key);
SIZE_T Size(){
return size;
void display(){
cout << "size:"<<size<<endl;
for(SIZE_T i=;i<this->capacity;i++){
KeyNode * temp = table[i];
while(temp != NULL){
cout <<"("<<temp->key<<","<<temp->value<<") ";
temp = temp->next;
if(table[i]!=NULL) cout << endl;
} private:
KeyNode ** table;
SIZE_T capacity;
SIZE_T size;
HashFunc hash;
EqualKey equal;
KeyNode ERROE; ValueType & get(const KeyType key){
SIZE_T index = hash(key) % capacity;
if(table[index] == NULL) return ERROE.value;
KeyNode *temp = table[index];
while(temp!= NULL){
if(equal(temp->key,key)) return temp->value;
temp = temp->next;
return ERROE.value;
void rehash(){
void destroy(KeyNode ** hashtable){
for(SIZE_T i=;i<this->capacity;i++){
KeyNode * temp = hashtable[i];
while(temp != NULL){
KeyNode *del = temp;
temp = temp->next;
delete del;
delete []hashtable;
}; class HashFuncInt{
SIZE_T operator()( int key)const{
return key;
}; class EqualFuncInt{
bool operator()(int keyA, int keyB)const{
return keyA == keyB;
}; int main()
const int scale = ;
HashMap<int,int,HashFuncInt,EqualFuncInt> hm;
for(int i=;i<scale;i++){
for(int i=;i<scale;i+=)
for(int i=;i<scale;i+=)
} //模板实用性测试 return ;



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