
Build a SFTP session with your linux like server, e.g, by the tool "Xshell" or any you like.

After the session is established, then, input the "help" command, do it like this:sftp:/home/catalyst/myapp> help.

You would see below commands shown below: (I would write them word by word, because I want to have a complete
overview of them)

ls    -list content of a remote directory

lls   -list content of a local directory

cd   -change your remote working directory

lcd  -change and/or print local working directory

pwd -print your remote working directory

lpwd -print your local working directory

get  -down a file from the server to your local machine

put  -upload a file to your server from local machine

clear -clear screen

help   -give help

bye  -finish your SFTP session

exit  -finish your SFTP session

quit -finish your SFTP session

mkdir -create a directory on the remote server

mv   -move or rename a file on the remote server

rename  -move or rename a file on the remote server

rm  -remove a file on the remote server

rmdir  -remove a directory on the remote server


Change your local working directory:

Get a file from remote server:

Change your remote working directory, and upload a file to there from the local.


March 17, 2015


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