There are three types of Segmentation

  • Hit-based
  • Visit-based
  • Visitor-based

There are four segment container types:

  • Visitor (Multi session)
  • Visit (Single session)
  • Hit (page link click)
  • Login Group

Segment Container Hierarchy:

  • Visitor

    • Largest Container Bucker
    • Matches multi-sesions
  • Visit
    • Middle Ground container bucket
    • Matches single session
  • Hit
    • Narrowest container bucket
    • Matches a hit (server call)

In Visitor container, because it is session based, for "Music section", not matter for the single "Visit" You visited the Music section or not, it will count one, the same for hits.

Visit Contianer, we will still count all the hits for the visit container, because in hierarchy, Hits is below Visit.

Hits Container: now we are really counting each hits.


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