

#include<string.h> /* function: find the corresponding value with the key transmitted
* parameter :
* [in/out] pTmpXml the afferent string of xml that remaining after finding
* [int]pKey the key of incoming
* [out]pValue find the corresponding value
* returned value:
* -1 : pStrXml or pStuXml is null
* -2 : the corresponding value is null or the key is not find
static int AnalysisXml(char *pTmpXml, char *pValue, char *pKey)
int iRet = -;
if (pTmpXml == NULL || pValue == NULL || pKey == NULL)
return iRet;
} memset(pValue, , sizeof(pValue));
char BegKey[] = {};
char EndKey[] = {};
sprintf(BegKey, "<%s>", pKey);
sprintf(EndKey, "</%s>", pKey); //printf("BegKey = %s\n", BegKey);
//printf("EndKey = %s\n", EndKey); char *pBegin = pTmpXml;
char *pEnd = NULL; int BegKey_len = strlen(BegKey); if ( (pBegin = strstr(pTmpXml, BegKey)) != NULL)
{ pEnd = strstr(pBegin + ,EndKey );
memcpy(pValue, pBegin + BegKey_len, pEnd - pBegin - BegKey_len);
//printf("%s = %s\n", BegKey, pValue);
pTmpXml = pEnd + strlen(EndKey);
//printf("pTmpXml = %s\n",pTmpXml);
iRet = ;
iRet = -;
} return iRet; } /* function: analysis string whose foramt is xml
* parameter :
* [in] pStrXml the afferent string of xml
* [out]pStuXml the struct of saving value of various
* returned value:
* -1 : pStrXml or pStuXml is null
int HandleXml(char *pStrXml, XML_CONFIG_INPUT *pStuXml)
int iRet = -;
if (pStrXml == NULL || pStuXml == NULL)
return iRet; //
} char szInbuf[] = {};
int nInbufSize = ;
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); char key[] = {};
char value[] = {};
char *pTmpXml = pStrXml; char KeyXml[][] = {"id", "maxFrameRate", "reflectiveEnable", "reflectiveTemperature",
"emissivity", "distance", "refreshInterval", "distanceUnit",
"temperatureDataLength", "jpegPicEnabled"};
int len_KeyXml = sizeof(KeyXml) / sizeof(KeyXml[]);
printf("len_KeyXml = %d\n", len_KeyXml);
for (int i = ; i < len_KeyXml; i++)
//printf("KeyXml[%d] = %s\n", i, KeyXml[i]);
sprintf(key, "%s", KeyXml[i]);
iRet = AnalysisXml(pTmpXml, value, key); if (value != NULL)
printf("%s = %s\n", key, value);
bool flag = (strcmp(key, "jpegPicEnabled"));
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n<JpegPictureWithAppendData>");
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n<%s>%s</%s>", key, value, key);
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n</JpegPictureWithAppendData>");
printf("value is null\n");
} printf("\nszInbuf = %s \n",szInbuf);
return ;
} int main()
int iRet = -;
char Outxml[] = " <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n\
<PixelToPixelParam version=\"2.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.hikvision.com/ver20/XMLSchema\"> \n\
<id></id> \n\
<maxFrameRate></maxFrameRate> \n\
<reflectiveEnable>false</reflectiveEnable> \n\
</PixelToPixelParam>"; char Inxml[] = {}; float fEmissvity = 0.01;
int wDistance = ;
//iRet = HandleXml(Outxml, &stuXml); char szInbuf[] = {};
int nInbufSize = ;
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); char key[] = {};
char value[] = {};
char *pTmpXml = Outxml; char KeyXml[][] = {"id", "maxFrameRate", "reflectiveEnable", "reflectiveTemperature",
"emissivity", "distance", "refreshInterval", "distanceUnit",
"temperatureDataLength", "jpegPicEnabled"};
int len_KeyXml = sizeof(KeyXml) / sizeof(KeyXml[]);
printf("len_KeyXml = %d\n", len_KeyXml);
for (int i = ; i < len_KeyXml; i++)
//printf("KeyXml[%d] = %s\n", i, KeyXml[i]);
sprintf(key, "%s", KeyXml[i]);
iRet = AnalysisXml(pTmpXml, value, key); if (value != NULL)
printf("%s = %s\n", key, value);
bool flag = (strcmp(key, "jpegPicEnabled"));
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n<JpegPictureWithAppendData>");
} if ( == (strcmp(key, "emissivity")))
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n<%s>%.2f</%s>", key, fEmissvity, key);
else if ( == (strcmp(key, "distance")))
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n<%s>%d</%s>", key, wDistance, key);
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n<%s>%s</%s>", key, value, key);
} if(!flag)
nInbufSize += sprintf(szInbuf+nInbufSize, "\n</JpegPictureWithAppendData>");
printf("value is null\n");
printf("\nszInbuf = %s \n",szInbuf);
return ;





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