
本人有一张8G的SD卡,但是刷入4.1的Rasbian后,用df -h查看,根目录下的空间使用率居然是99%,而且总空间也就3.5G左右。

原因是因为Rasbian的image是为2G SD卡(这应该指的是Wheezy版本,Jessie版本应该是3.5G或者更多)准备的,如果想用剩余空间,就得重新分配分区。


The prepared images for the Raspberry Pi are created for SD cards of the size of 2GB. The SD card can be resized or restructured to use the full size of a SD card that is greater than 2GB.

OK,下面就是具体方法(来自 elinux.org):

Manually resizing the SD card on Raspberry Pi

You can also resize the partitions of the SD card that your Pi is running on.

First you need to change the partition table with fdisk. You need to remove the existing partition entries and then create a single new partition than takes the whole free space of the disk. This will only change the partition table, not the partitions data on disk. The start of the new partition needs to be aligned with the old partition!

Start fdisk:

sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Then delete partitions with d and create a new with n. You can view the existing table with p.

  • p to see the current start of the main partition
  • d3 to delete the swap partition
  • d2 to delete the main partition
  • n p 2 to create a new primary partition, next you need to enter the start of the old main partition and then the size (enter for complete SD card). The main partition on the Debian image from 2012-04-19 starts at 157696, but the start of your partition might be different. Check the p output!
  • w write the new partition table

Now you need to reboot:

 sudo shutdown -r now

After the reboot you need to resize the filesystem on the partition. The resize2fs command will resize your filesystem to the new size from the changed partition table.

sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2

This will take a few minutes, depending on the size and speed of your SD card.

When it is done, you can check the new size with:

df -h


How can I resize my / (root) partition?


步骤1: 重新启动你的电脑,不要启动X windows

步骤2: $ sudo df -h
你应该会看到/ 挂载于rootfs(已使用97%左右)。 步骤3: $ sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
选择P (主要)
命令:按w(保存) 步驟4: $sudo reboot
重新启动后,使用resize2fs来修复分区2 步驟5: $ sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
等待约2-3分钟 步驟6: $ sudo df -h
你应该會看到 / 挂载於rootfs(如果你使用8G SD卡,现在只会有22%的使用) 这样你便可以善用SD卡余下的空间了。


树莓派Raspberry Pi 16G SD卡刷系统时默认空间扩容


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