1. MySQL默认自动提交(autocommit=1),如果要开启事务,先关闭自动提交(autocommit=0);
  2. InnoDB支持事务,MyISAM不支持;
  3. MySQL不支持事务嵌套;已经开启事务后,再开启事务(start transaction),会隐式的提交(commit)上一个事务。


TRUNCATE nested_transaction;
INSERT INTO `nested_transaction`(id) VALUES(1);
INSERT INTO `nested_transaction`(id) VALUES(2);




namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns;

use Closure;
use Exception;
use Throwable; trait ManagesTransactions
* Execute a Closure within a transaction.
* @param \Closure $callback
* @param int $attempts
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception|\Throwable
public function transaction(Closure $callback, $attempts = 1)
for ($currentAttempt = 1; $currentAttempt <= $attempts; $currentAttempt++) {
$this->beginTransaction(); // We'll simply execute the given callback within a try / catch block and if we
// catch any exception we can rollback this transaction so that none of this
// gets actually persisted to a database or stored in a permanent fashion.
try {
return tap($callback($this), function ($result) {
} // If we catch an exception we'll rollback this transaction and try again if we
// are not out of attempts. If we are out of attempts we will just throw the
// exception back out and let the developer handle an uncaught exceptions.
catch (Exception $e) {
$e, $currentAttempt, $attempts
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->rollBack(); throw $e;
} /**
* Handle an exception encountered when running a transacted statement.
* @param \Exception $e
* @param int $currentAttempt
* @param int $maxAttempts
* @return void
* @throws \Exception
protected function handleTransactionException($e, $currentAttempt, $maxAttempts)
// On a deadlock, MySQL rolls back the entire transaction so we can't just
// retry the query. We have to throw this exception all the way out and
// let the developer handle it in another way. We will decrement too.
if ($this->causedByDeadlock($e) &&
$this->transactions > 1) {
--$this->transactions; throw $e;
} // If there was an exception we will rollback this transaction and then we
// can check if we have exceeded the maximum attempt count for this and
// if we haven't we will return and try this query again in our loop.
$this->rollBack(); if ($this->causedByDeadlock($e) &&
$currentAttempt < $maxAttempts) {
} throw $e;
} /**
* Start a new database transaction.
* @return void
* @throws \Exception
public function beginTransaction()
$this->createTransaction(); ++$this->transactions; $this->fireConnectionEvent('beganTransaction');
} /**
* Create a transaction within the database.
* @return void
protected function createTransaction()
if ($this->transactions == 0) {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
} elseif ($this->transactions >= 1 && $this->queryGrammar->supportsSavepoints()) {
} /**
* Create a save point within the database.
* @return void
protected function createSavepoint()
$this->queryGrammar->compileSavepoint('trans'.($this->transactions + 1))
} /**
* Handle an exception from a transaction beginning.
* @param \Exception $e
* @return void
* @throws \Exception
protected function handleBeginTransactionException($e)
if ($this->causedByLostConnection($e)) {
$this->reconnect(); $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
} else {
throw $e;
} /**
* Commit the active database transaction.
* @return void
public function commit()
if ($this->transactions == 1) {
} $this->transactions = max(0, $this->transactions - 1); $this->fireConnectionEvent('committed');
} /**
* Rollback the active database transaction.
* @param int|null $toLevel
* @return void
public function rollBack($toLevel = null)
// We allow developers to rollback to a certain transaction level. We will verify
// that this given transaction level is valid before attempting to rollback to
// that level. If it's not we will just return out and not attempt anything.
$toLevel = is_null($toLevel)
? $this->transactions - 1
: $toLevel; if ($toLevel < 0 || $toLevel >= $this->transactions) {
} // Next, we will actually perform this rollback within this database and fire the
// rollback event. We will also set the current transaction level to the given
// level that was passed into this method so it will be right from here out.
$this->performRollBack($toLevel); $this->transactions = $toLevel; $this->fireConnectionEvent('rollingBack');
} /**
* Perform a rollback within the database.
* @param int $toLevel
* @return void
protected function performRollBack($toLevel)
if ($toLevel == 0) {
} elseif ($this->queryGrammar->supportsSavepoints()) {
$this->queryGrammar->compileSavepointRollBack('trans'.($toLevel + 1))
} /**
* Get the number of active transactions.
* @return int
public function transactionLevel()
return $this->transactions;



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