





name:层名称 2
type:层类型 3
top:出口 4 bottom:入口

Each layer type defines three critical computations: setup, forward, andbackward.

  • Setup: initialize the layer and its connections once at model initialization.
  • Forward: given input from bottom compute the output and send to the top.
  • Backward: given the gradient w.r.t. the top output compute the gradient w.r.t. to the input and send to the bottom. A layer with parameters computes the gradient w.r.t. to its parameters and stores it internally.


name: "LogisticRegressionNet"
layer {
name: "data"
type: "HDF5Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TRAIN
hdf5_data_param {
source: "hdf5_classification/data/train.txt"
batch_size: 10
layer {
name: "data"
type: "HDF5Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TEST
hdf5_data_param {
source: "hdf5_classification/data/test.txt"
batch_size: 10
layer {
name: "fc1"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "data"
top: "fc1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 40
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc1"
top: "fc1"
layer {
name: "fc2"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "fc1"
top: "fc2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 2
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
bottom: "fc2"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
layer {
name: "accuracy"
type: "Accuracy"
bottom: "fc2"
bottom: "label"
top: "accuracy"
include {
phase: TEST



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