Jenkins CLI命令行



  • 首页->系统管理->工具和动作->Jenkins 命令行接口
  • 在这个界面下载一个jenkins-cli.jar




  • 登录操作是所有操作的前提
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456
  • 显然这样是不太安全的

方式二:API Token

  • Jenkins->用户列表->用户名->设置->API Token
  • 输入名称,点击生成保存即可,但这个token一定要记录下来,你以后再也看不到了。

  • 命令行

    java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:11129918daa39bdba49852a08d64ad1f44 list-jobs


  • 在有了token的基础上,你可以把以下信息保存下来

  • 存放到你命令行所在机器的D:\下,如命名为password.txt

  • 后面执行命令就用如下方式

    java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth @d:\password.txt   list-jobs
  • 你也可以放在linux服务器上,存放到服务器Jenkins安装目录/war/WEB-INF下,如命名为password.txt

    java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth @password.txt   list-jobs



  • 系统->系统管理->全局安全配置->ssh server

    • 指定端口:7654(不要冲突即可)
    • 保存
  • 参考方式二,切换到API TOKEN界面,找到SSH Public Keys
    • 输入你本机的pub key
  • 重启?
$ ssh -l ruru023 -p 8085 help
ssh: connect to host port 8085: Connection refused


  • 参考上面的内容
@echo off
set /p args="please input command args:"
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth @d:\password.txt %args%
goto start
  • 执行效果如下

    please input command args:list-jobs
    pipeline_forcli2 please input command args:version


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 restart
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 shutdown
  • 还有安全重启

    safe-restart   #等到所有的操作都完成然后执行重启


>java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 list-jobs


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 build Pipeline_forcli  #这是一行


  • 语法

    java -jar jenkins-cli.jar delete-builds JOB RANGE
    Delete build records of a specified job, possibly in a bulk.
    JOB : Name of the job to build
    RANGE : Range of the build records to delete. 'N-M', 'N,M', or 'N'
  • 示例

    >java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 delete-builds pipeline_forcli 1
    Deleted 1 builds >java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 delete-builds pipeline_forcli 2-3
    Deleted 2 builds >java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 delete-builds pipeline_forcli 4,5
    Deleted 2 builds


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 disable-job pipeline_forcli

java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 enable-job pipeline_forcli


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 get-job pipeline_forcli
  • 导出到xml文件
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 get-job pipeline_forcli  >xxx.xml


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 copy-job pipeline_forcli pipeline_forcli2


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 delete-job pipeline_forcli


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 list-plugins


java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth ruru023:123456 install-plugin jira:3.7.1

Installing jira:3.7.1 from update center

  • 其他要么比较简单,要么很少用,要么太复杂,没意思了。


Jenkins CLI
Usage: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s URL] command [opts...] args...
-s URL : the server URL (defaults to the JENKINS_URL env var)
-http : use a plain CLI protocol over HTTP(S) (the default; mutually exclusive with -ssh)
-webSocket : like -http but using WebSocket (works better with most reverse proxies)
-ssh : use SSH protocol (requires -user; SSH port must be open on server, and user must have registered a public key)
-i KEY : SSH private key file used for authentication (for use with -ssh)
-noCertificateCheck : bypass HTTPS certificate check entirely. Use with caution
-noKeyAuth : don't try to load the SSH authentication private key. Conflicts with -i
-user : specify user (for use with -ssh)
-strictHostKey : request strict host key checking (for use with -ssh)
-logger FINE : enable detailed logging from the client
-auth [ USER:SECRET | @FILE ] : specify username and either password or API token (or load from them both from a file);
for use with -http.
Passing credentials by file is recommended.
See for more info and options. The available commands depend on the server. Run the 'help' command to see the list.


命令 含义
add-job-to-view Adds jobs to view.
build Builds a job, and optionally waits until its completion.
cancel-quiet-down Cancel the effect of the "quiet-down" command.
clear-queue Clears the build queue.
connect-node Reconnect to a node(s)
console Retrieves console output of a build.
copy-job Copies a job.
create-credentials-by-xml Create Credential by XML
create-credentials-domain-by-xml Create Credentials Domain by XML
create-job Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file.
create-node Creates a new node by reading stdin as a XML configuration.
create-view Creates a new view by reading stdin as a XML configuration.
declarative-linter Validate a Jenkinsfile containing a Declarative Pipeline
delete-builds Deletes build record(s).
delete-credentials Delete a Credential
delete-credentials-domain Delete a Credentials Domain
delete-job Deletes job(s).
delete-node Deletes node(s)
delete-view Deletes view(s).
disable-job 禁用任务
disable-plugin Disable one or more installed plugins.
disconnect-node Disconnects from a node.
enable-job 启用任务
enable-plugin Enables one or more installed plugins transitively.
get-credentials-as-xml Get a Credentials as XML (secrets redacted)
get-credentials-domain-as-xml Get a Credentials Domain as XML
get-gradle List available gradle installations
get-job Dumps the job definition XML to stdout.
get-node Dumps the node definition XML to stdout.
get-view Dumps the view definition XML to stdout.
groovy Executes the specified Groovy script.
groovysh Runs an interactive groovy shell.
help Lists all the available commands or a detailed description of single command.
import-credentials-as-xml Import credentials as XML. The output of "list-credentials-as-xml" can be used as input here as is, the only needed change is to set the actual Secrets which are redacted in the output.
install-plugin Installs a plugin either from a file, an URL, or from update center.
keep-build 永久保留这次构建。
list-changes Dumps the changelog for the specified build(s).
list-credentials Lists the Credentials in a specific Store
list-credentials-as-xml Export credentials as XML. The output of this command can be used as input for "import-credentials-as-xml" as is, the only needed change is to set the actual Secrets which are redacted in the output.
list-credentials-context-resolvers List Credentials Context Resolvers
list-credentials-providers List Credentials Providers
list-jobs Lists all jobs in a specific view or item group.
list-plugins Outputs a list of installed plugins.
mail Reads stdin and sends that out as an e-mail.
offline-node Stop using a node for performing builds temporarily, until the next "online-node" command.
online-node Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancel out the earlier "offline-node" command.
quiet-down Quiet down Jenkins, in preparation for a restart. Don’t start any builds.
reload-configuration Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything from file system. Useful when you modified config files directly on disk.
reload-job Reload job(s)
remove-job-from-view Removes jobs from view.
replay-pipeline 从标准输入中获取的脚本并回放流水线执行
restart 重新启动Jenkins
restart-from-stage Restart a completed Declarative Pipeline build from a given stage.
safe-restart 安全地重新启动Jenkins
safe-shutdown Puts Jenkins into the quiet mode, wait for existing builds to be completed, and then shut down Jenkins.
session-id Outputs the session ID, which changes every time Jenkins restarts.
set-build-description Sets the description of a build.
set-build-display-name Sets the displayName of a build.
shutdown 立刻关闭Jenkins
stop-builds Stop all running builds for job(s)
update-credentials-by-xml Update Credentials by XML
update-credentials-domain-by-xml Update Credentials Domain by XML
update-job Updates the job definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-job command.
update-node Updates the node definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-node command.
update-view Updates the view definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-view command.
version Outputs the current version.
wait-node-offline Wait for a node to become offline.
wait-node-online Wait for a node to become online.
who-am-i Reports your credential and permissions.


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