size_t CollectorPolicy::compute_heap_alignment() {
// The card marking array and the offset arrays for old generations are
// committed in os pages as well. Make sure they are entirely full (to
// avoid partial page problems), e.g. if 512 bytes heap corresponds to 1
// byte entry and the os page size is 4096, the maximum heap size should
// be 512*4096 = 2MB aligned. // There is only the GenRemSet in Hotspot and only the GenRemSet::CardTable
// is supported.
// Requirements of any new remembered set implementations must be added here.
size_t alignment = GenRemSet::max_alignment_constraint(GenRemSet::CardTable); // Parallel GC does its own alignment of the generations to avoid requiring a
// large page (256M on some platforms) for the permanent generation. The
// other collectors should also be updated to do their own alignment and then
// this use of lcm() should be removed.
if (UseLargePages && !UseParallelGC) {
// in presence of large pages we have to make sure that our
// alignment is large page aware
alignment = lcm(os::large_page_size(), alignment);
} return alignment;

原因堆被划了一个个card page。

512个card page 便是一个Card Table。

这里假设:一个Card Page的是一个card table 的entry 与一个对应的操作系统内存页是4KB

一个Card Table 总体堆内存最大的size便是 512个(Card Page)*4k(系统内存页)=2MB的内存


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