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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="../unitl/test.js"></script>
#results li.pass {color:green;}
#results li.fail {color:red;}
<ul id="results"></ul>
<script> //声明一个函数,具有3个形参:a,b,c
function whatever(a,b,c) { //值的准确性检验
assert(a===1,"The value of a is 1");
assert(b===2,"The value of b is 2");
assert(c===3,"The value of c is 3"); //共传入5个实参。
assert(arguments.length ===5,"We've passed in 5 parameters"); //验证传入的签3个实参与函数的3个形参匹配
assert(arguments[0]===a,"The first arguments is assigned to a");
assert(arguments[1] ===b, "The second argument is assigned to b");
assert(arguments[2]===c,"The third argument is assigned to c"); //验证额外的参数可以通过参数arguments获取。
assert(arguments[3]===4,"We can access the fourth argument");
assert(arguments[4]===5 ,"We can access the fifth argument"); } //调用函数时闯入5个参数
whatever(1,2,3,4,5); </script>


      function whatever(a,b,c) {


      assert(a===1,"The value of a is 1");
assert(b===2,"The value of b is 2");
assert(c===3,"The value of c is 3");



        assert(arguments[0]===a,"The first arguments is assigned to a");
assert(arguments[1] ===b, "The second argument is assigned to b");
assert(arguments[2]===c,"The third argument is assigned to c"); assert(arguments[3]===4,"We can access the fourth argument");
assert(arguments[4]===5 ,"We can access the fifth argument");




  1. 【学】jQuery的源码思路6——增加each,animaion,ajax以及插件机制
  2. Markdown常用基本语法
  3. Assets/Sciprts/GameSciprt.js(97,46): BCE0044: expecting :, found &#39;,&#39;.
  4. activitydialog
  5. eclipse高效快捷键
  6. SQL Server 使用日志传送
  7. openssl安装
  8. Flask学习记录之Flask-Admin
  9. 关于VS2008中的targetver.h文件
  10. 在TC(Total Commander)中添加启动Cygwin快捷键的方法
  11. CENTOS6.4安装lxml失败
  12. LVS + keepalived(DR) 实战
  13. spring boot 启动问题
  14. 个人技术博客(alpha)
  15. orabbix插件监控oracle表空间问题
  16. ●POJ 3974 Palindrome(Manacher)
  17. android Material Design详解
  18. AMBARI Blueprint 使用文档
  19. display style edit
  20. nvgre


  1. H5移动端跳转唤起QQ在线客服与跳转支付宝
  2. 卸载K8s集群及k8s命令自动补全
  3. 如何查看mysql版本号
  4. js判断图片链接是否有效
  5. Java笔记_变量作用域
  6. [部署日记]Android Studio在安装完后,sdk依旧提示SDK emulator directory is missing
  7. uniapp获取位置
  8. 【uni-app】第2节HBuilderX未检测到手机问题(今天终于找到解决办法了,亲测可以)
  9. e网通公告
  10. Linux 系统镜像分类和包管理工具