
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/task http://www.springframework.org/schema/task/spring-task-4.1.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.1.xsd"> <task:executor id="threadPoolTaskExecutor" pool-size="1" /> <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
<property name="jobFactory">
<bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SpringBeanJobFactory" />
<property name="applicationContextSchedulerContextKey" value="applicationContextKey" />
<property name="startupDelay" value="0" />
<property name="overwriteExistingJobs" value="true" />
<property name="exposeSchedulerInRepository" value="true" />
<property name="taskExecutor" ref="threadPoolTaskExecutor" />
<property name="triggers">
<ref bean="cronTrigger_1" />
</bean> <bean id="cronTrigger_1"
<property name="jobDetail" ref="jobDetail_1" />
<property name="cronExpression" value="* * * * * ?" />
<bean id="jobDetail_1"
<property name="jobClass" value="cn.zno.job.Breathe" />
<bean id="breath" class="cn.zno.job.Breathe" />
* Copyright 2002-2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ package org.springframework.scheduling.quartz; import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.quartz.Scheduler;
import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
import org.quartz.SchedulerFactory;
import org.quartz.impl.RemoteScheduler;
import org.quartz.impl.SchedulerRepository;
import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory;
import org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool;
import org.quartz.spi.JobFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.context.SmartLifecycle;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PropertiesLoaderUtils;
import org.springframework.scheduling.SchedulingException;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; /**
* {@link FactoryBean} that creates and configures a Quartz {@link org.quartz.Scheduler},
* manages its lifecycle as part of the Spring application context, and exposes the
* Scheduler as bean reference for dependency injection.
* <p>Allows registration of JobDetails, Calendars and Triggers, automatically
* starting the scheduler on initialization and shutting it down on destruction.
* In scenarios that just require static registration of jobs at startup, there
* is no need to access the Scheduler instance itself in application code.
* <p>For dynamic registration of jobs at runtime, use a bean reference to
* this SchedulerFactoryBean to get direct access to the Quartz Scheduler
* ({@code org.quartz.Scheduler}). This allows you to create new jobs
* and triggers, and also to control and monitor the entire Scheduler.
* <p>Note that Quartz instantiates a new Job for each execution, in
* contrast to Timer which uses a TimerTask instance that is shared
* between repeated executions. Just JobDetail descriptors are shared.
* <p>When using persistent jobs, it is strongly recommended to perform all
* operations on the Scheduler within Spring-managed (or plain JTA) transactions.
* Else, database locking will not properly work and might even break.
* (See {@link #setDataSource setDataSource} javadoc for details.)
* <p>The preferred way to achieve transactional execution is to demarcate
* declarative transactions at the business facade level, which will
* automatically apply to Scheduler operations performed within those scopes.
* Alternatively, you may add transactional advice for the Scheduler itself.
* <p>Compatible with Quartz 2.1.4 and higher, as of Spring 4.1.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 18.02.2004
* @see #setDataSource
* @see org.quartz.Scheduler
* @see org.quartz.SchedulerFactory
* @see org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory
* @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean
public class SchedulerFactoryBean extends SchedulerAccessor implements FactoryBean<Scheduler>,
BeanNameAware, ApplicationContextAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean, SmartLifecycle { public static final String PROP_THREAD_COUNT = "org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount"; public static final int DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT = 10; private static final ThreadLocal<ResourceLoader> configTimeResourceLoaderHolder =
new ThreadLocal<ResourceLoader>(); private static final ThreadLocal<Executor> configTimeTaskExecutorHolder =
new ThreadLocal<Executor>(); private static final ThreadLocal<DataSource> configTimeDataSourceHolder =
new ThreadLocal<DataSource>(); private static final ThreadLocal<DataSource> configTimeNonTransactionalDataSourceHolder =
new ThreadLocal<DataSource>(); /**
* Return the ResourceLoader for the currently configured Quartz Scheduler,
* to be used by ResourceLoaderClassLoadHelper.
* <p>This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding
* Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available
* during configuration.
* @see #setApplicationContext
* @see ResourceLoaderClassLoadHelper
public static ResourceLoader getConfigTimeResourceLoader() {
return configTimeResourceLoaderHolder.get();
} /**
* Return the TaskExecutor for the currently configured Quartz Scheduler,
* to be used by LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool.
* <p>This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding
* Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available
* during configuration.
* @see #setTaskExecutor
* @see LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool
public static Executor getConfigTimeTaskExecutor() {
return configTimeTaskExecutorHolder.get();
} /**
* Return the DataSource for the currently configured Quartz Scheduler,
* to be used by LocalDataSourceJobStore.
* <p>This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding
* Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available
* during configuration.
* @see #setDataSource
* @see LocalDataSourceJobStore
public static DataSource getConfigTimeDataSource() {
return configTimeDataSourceHolder.get();
} /**
* Return the non-transactional DataSource for the currently configured
* Quartz Scheduler, to be used by LocalDataSourceJobStore.
* <p>This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding
* Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available
* during configuration.
* @see #setNonTransactionalDataSource
* @see LocalDataSourceJobStore
public static DataSource getConfigTimeNonTransactionalDataSource() {
return configTimeNonTransactionalDataSourceHolder.get();
} private Class<? extends SchedulerFactory> schedulerFactoryClass = StdSchedulerFactory.class; private String schedulerName; private Resource configLocation; private Properties quartzProperties; private Executor taskExecutor; private DataSource dataSource; private DataSource nonTransactionalDataSource; private Map<String, ?> schedulerContextMap; private ApplicationContext applicationContext; private String applicationContextSchedulerContextKey; private JobFactory jobFactory; private boolean jobFactorySet = false; private boolean autoStartup = true; private int startupDelay = 0; private int phase = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private boolean exposeSchedulerInRepository = false; private boolean waitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown = false; private Scheduler scheduler; /**
* Set the Quartz SchedulerFactory implementation to use.
* <p>Default is {@link StdSchedulerFactory}, reading in the standard
* {@code quartz.properties} from {@code quartz.jar}.
* To use custom Quartz properties, specify the "configLocation"
* or "quartzProperties" bean property on this FactoryBean.
* @see org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory
* @see #setConfigLocation
* @see #setQuartzProperties
public void setSchedulerFactoryClass(Class<? extends SchedulerFactory> schedulerFactoryClass) {
Assert.isAssignable(SchedulerFactory.class, schedulerFactoryClass);
this.schedulerFactoryClass = schedulerFactoryClass;
} /**
* Set the name of the Scheduler to create via the SchedulerFactory.
* <p>If not specified, the bean name will be used as default scheduler name.
* @see #setBeanName
* @see org.quartz.SchedulerFactory#getScheduler()
* @see org.quartz.SchedulerFactory#getScheduler(String)
public void setSchedulerName(String schedulerName) {
this.schedulerName = schedulerName;
} /**
* Set the location of the Quartz properties config file, for example
* as classpath resource "classpath:quartz.properties".
* <p>Note: Can be omitted when all necessary properties are specified
* locally via this bean, or when relying on Quartz' default configuration.
* @see #setQuartzProperties
public void setConfigLocation(Resource configLocation) {
this.configLocation = configLocation;
} /**
* Set Quartz properties, like "org.quartz.threadPool.class".
* <p>Can be used to override values in a Quartz properties config file,
* or to specify all necessary properties locally.
* @see #setConfigLocation
public void setQuartzProperties(Properties quartzProperties) {
this.quartzProperties = quartzProperties;
} /**
* Set the Spring TaskExecutor to use as Quartz backend.
* Exposed as thread pool through the Quartz SPI.
* <p>Can be used to assign a JDK 1.5 ThreadPoolExecutor or a CommonJ
* WorkManager as Quartz backend, to avoid Quartz's manual thread creation.
* <p>By default, a Quartz SimpleThreadPool will be used, configured through
* the corresponding Quartz properties.
* @see #setQuartzProperties
* @see LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool
* @see org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor
* @see org.springframework.scheduling.commonj.WorkManagerTaskExecutor
public void setTaskExecutor(Executor taskExecutor) {
this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;
} /**
* Set the default DataSource to be used by the Scheduler. If set,
* this will override corresponding settings in Quartz properties.
* <p>Note: If this is set, the Quartz settings should not define
* a job store "dataSource" to avoid meaningless double configuration.
* <p>A Spring-specific subclass of Quartz' JobStoreCMT will be used.
* It is therefore strongly recommended to perform all operations on
* the Scheduler within Spring-managed (or plain JTA) transactions.
* Else, database locking will not properly work and might even break
* (e.g. if trying to obtain a lock on Oracle without a transaction).
* <p>Supports both transactional and non-transactional DataSource access.
* With a non-XA DataSource and local Spring transactions, a single DataSource
* argument is sufficient. In case of an XA DataSource and global JTA transactions,
* SchedulerFactoryBean's "nonTransactionalDataSource" property should be set,
* passing in a non-XA DataSource that will not participate in global transactions.
* @see #setNonTransactionalDataSource
* @see #setQuartzProperties
* @see #setTransactionManager
* @see LocalDataSourceJobStore
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
} /**
* Set the DataSource to be used by the Scheduler <i>for non-transactional access</i>.
* <p>This is only necessary if the default DataSource is an XA DataSource that will
* always participate in transactions: A non-XA version of that DataSource should
* be specified as "nonTransactionalDataSource" in such a scenario.
* <p>This is not relevant with a local DataSource instance and Spring transactions.
* Specifying a single default DataSource as "dataSource" is sufficient there.
* @see #setDataSource
* @see LocalDataSourceJobStore
public void setNonTransactionalDataSource(DataSource nonTransactionalDataSource) {
this.nonTransactionalDataSource = nonTransactionalDataSource;
} /**
* Register objects in the Scheduler context via a given Map.
* These objects will be available to any Job that runs in this Scheduler.
* <p>Note: When using persistent Jobs whose JobDetail will be kept in the
* database, do not put Spring-managed beans or an ApplicationContext
* reference into the JobDataMap but rather into the SchedulerContext.
* @param schedulerContextAsMap Map with String keys and any objects as
* values (for example Spring-managed beans)
* @see JobDetailFactoryBean#setJobDataAsMap
public void setSchedulerContextAsMap(Map<String, ?> schedulerContextAsMap) {
this.schedulerContextMap = schedulerContextAsMap;
} /**
* Set the key of an ApplicationContext reference to expose in the
* SchedulerContext, for example "applicationContext". Default is none.
* Only applicable when running in a Spring ApplicationContext.
* <p>Note: When using persistent Jobs whose JobDetail will be kept in the
* database, do not put an ApplicationContext reference into the JobDataMap
* but rather into the SchedulerContext.
* <p>In case of a QuartzJobBean, the reference will be applied to the Job
* instance as bean property. An "applicationContext" attribute will
* correspond to a "setApplicationContext" method in that scenario.
* <p>Note that BeanFactory callback interfaces like ApplicationContextAware
* are not automatically applied to Quartz Job instances, because Quartz
* itself is responsible for the lifecycle of its Jobs.
* @see JobDetailFactoryBean#setApplicationContextJobDataKey
* @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
public void setApplicationContextSchedulerContextKey(String applicationContextSchedulerContextKey) {
this.applicationContextSchedulerContextKey = applicationContextSchedulerContextKey;
} /**
* Set the Quartz JobFactory to use for this Scheduler.
* <p>Default is Spring's {@link AdaptableJobFactory}, which supports
* {@link java.lang.Runnable} objects as well as standard Quartz
* {@link org.quartz.Job} instances. Note that this default only applies
* to a <i>local</i> Scheduler, not to a RemoteScheduler (where setting
* a custom JobFactory is not supported by Quartz).
* <p>Specify an instance of Spring's {@link SpringBeanJobFactory} here
* (typically as an inner bean definition) to automatically populate a job's
* bean properties from the specified job data map and scheduler context.
* @see AdaptableJobFactory
* @see SpringBeanJobFactory
public void setJobFactory(JobFactory jobFactory) {
this.jobFactory = jobFactory;
this.jobFactorySet = true;
} /**
* Set whether to automatically start the scheduler after initialization.
* <p>Default is "true"; set this to "false" to allow for manual startup.
public void setAutoStartup(boolean autoStartup) {
this.autoStartup = autoStartup;
} /**
* Return whether this scheduler is configured for auto-startup. If "true",
* the scheduler will start after the context is refreshed and after the
* start delay, if any.
public boolean isAutoStartup() {
return this.autoStartup;
} /**
* Specify the phase in which this scheduler should be started and
* stopped. The startup order proceeds from lowest to highest, and
* the shutdown order is the reverse of that. By default this value
* is Integer.MAX_VALUE meaning that this scheduler starts as late
* as possible and stops as soon as possible.
public void setPhase(int phase) {
this.phase = phase;
} /**
* Return the phase in which this scheduler will be started and stopped.
public int getPhase() {
return this.phase;
} /**
* Set the number of seconds to wait after initialization before
* starting the scheduler asynchronously. Default is 0, meaning
* immediate synchronous startup on initialization of this bean.
* <p>Setting this to 10 or 20 seconds makes sense if no jobs
* should be run before the entire application has started up.
public void setStartupDelay(int startupDelay) {
this.startupDelay = startupDelay;
} /**
* Set whether to expose the Spring-managed {@link Scheduler} instance in the
* Quartz {@link SchedulerRepository}. Default is "false", since the Spring-managed
* Scheduler is usually exclusively intended for access within the Spring context.
* <p>Switch this flag to "true" in order to expose the Scheduler globally.
* This is not recommended unless you have an existing Spring application that
* relies on this behavior. Note that such global exposure was the accidental
* default in earlier Spring versions; this has been fixed as of Spring 2.5.6.
public void setExposeSchedulerInRepository(boolean exposeSchedulerInRepository) {
this.exposeSchedulerInRepository = exposeSchedulerInRepository;
} /**
* Set whether to wait for running jobs to complete on shutdown.
* <p>Default is "false". Switch this to "true" if you prefer
* fully completed jobs at the expense of a longer shutdown phase.
* @see org.quartz.Scheduler#shutdown(boolean)
public void setWaitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown(boolean waitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown) {
this.waitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown = waitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown;
} @Override
public void setBeanName(String name) {
if (this.schedulerName == null) {
this.schedulerName = name;
} @Override
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of InitializingBean interface
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
if (this.dataSource == null && this.nonTransactionalDataSource != null) {
this.dataSource = this.nonTransactionalDataSource;
} if (this.applicationContext != null && this.resourceLoader == null) {
this.resourceLoader = this.applicationContext;
} // Create SchedulerFactory instance...
SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = BeanUtils.instantiateClass(this.schedulerFactoryClass);
initSchedulerFactory(schedulerFactory); if (this.resourceLoader != null) {
// Make given ResourceLoader available for SchedulerFactory configuration.
if (this.taskExecutor != null) {
// Make given TaskExecutor available for SchedulerFactory configuration.
if (this.dataSource != null) {
// Make given DataSource available for SchedulerFactory configuration.
if (this.nonTransactionalDataSource != null) {
// Make given non-transactional DataSource available for SchedulerFactory configuration.
} // Get Scheduler instance from SchedulerFactory.
try {
this.scheduler = createScheduler(schedulerFactory, this.schedulerName);
populateSchedulerContext(); if (!this.jobFactorySet && !(this.scheduler instanceof RemoteScheduler)) {
// Use AdaptableJobFactory as default for a local Scheduler, unless when
// explicitly given a null value through the "jobFactory" bean property.
this.jobFactory = new AdaptableJobFactory();
if (this.jobFactory != null) {
if (this.jobFactory instanceof SchedulerContextAware) {
((SchedulerContextAware) this.jobFactory).setSchedulerContext(this.scheduler.getContext());
} finally {
if (this.resourceLoader != null) {
if (this.taskExecutor != null) {
if (this.dataSource != null) {
if (this.nonTransactionalDataSource != null) {
} registerListeners();
} /**
* Load and/or apply Quartz properties to the given SchedulerFactory.
* @param schedulerFactory the SchedulerFactory to initialize
private void initSchedulerFactory(SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory) throws SchedulerException, IOException {
if (!(schedulerFactory instanceof StdSchedulerFactory)) {
if (this.configLocation != null || this.quartzProperties != null ||
this.taskExecutor != null || this.dataSource != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"StdSchedulerFactory required for applying Quartz properties: " + schedulerFactory);
// Otherwise assume that no initialization is necessary...
} Properties mergedProps = new Properties(); if (this.resourceLoader != null) {
} if (this.taskExecutor != null) {
else {
// Set necessary default properties here, as Quartz will not apply
// its default configuration when explicitly given properties.
mergedProps.setProperty(StdSchedulerFactory.PROP_THREAD_POOL_CLASS, SimpleThreadPool.class.getName());
mergedProps.setProperty(PROP_THREAD_COUNT, Integer.toString(DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT));
} if (this.configLocation != null) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Loading Quartz config from [" + this.configLocation + "]");
PropertiesLoaderUtils.fillProperties(mergedProps, this.configLocation);
} CollectionUtils.mergePropertiesIntoMap(this.quartzProperties, mergedProps); if (this.dataSource != null) {
mergedProps.put(StdSchedulerFactory.PROP_JOB_STORE_CLASS, LocalDataSourceJobStore.class.getName());
} // Make sure to set the scheduler name as configured in the Spring configuration.
if (this.schedulerName != null) {
mergedProps.put(StdSchedulerFactory.PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_NAME, this.schedulerName);
} ((StdSchedulerFactory) schedulerFactory).initialize(mergedProps);
} /**
* Create the Scheduler instance for the given factory and scheduler name.
* Called by {@link #afterPropertiesSet}.
* <p>The default implementation invokes SchedulerFactory's {@code getScheduler}
* method. Can be overridden for custom Scheduler creation.
* @param schedulerFactory the factory to create the Scheduler with
* @param schedulerName the name of the scheduler to create
* @return the Scheduler instance
* @throws SchedulerException if thrown by Quartz methods
* @see #afterPropertiesSet
* @see org.quartz.SchedulerFactory#getScheduler
protected Scheduler createScheduler(SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory, String schedulerName)
throws SchedulerException { // Override thread context ClassLoader to work around naive Quartz ClassLoadHelper loading.
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
ClassLoader threadContextClassLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();
boolean overrideClassLoader = (this.resourceLoader != null &&
if (overrideClassLoader) {
try {
SchedulerRepository repository = SchedulerRepository.getInstance();
synchronized (repository) {
Scheduler existingScheduler = (schedulerName != null ? repository.lookup(schedulerName) : null);
Scheduler newScheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler();
if (newScheduler == existingScheduler) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Active Scheduler of name '" + schedulerName + "' already registered " +
"in Quartz SchedulerRepository. Cannot create a new Spring-managed Scheduler of the same name!");
if (!this.exposeSchedulerInRepository) {
// Need to remove it in this case, since Quartz shares the Scheduler instance by default!
return newScheduler;
finally {
if (overrideClassLoader) {
// Reset original thread context ClassLoader.
} /**
* Expose the specified context attributes and/or the current
* ApplicationContext in the Quartz SchedulerContext.
private void populateSchedulerContext() throws SchedulerException {
// Put specified objects into Scheduler context.
if (this.schedulerContextMap != null) {
} // Register ApplicationContext in Scheduler context.
if (this.applicationContextSchedulerContextKey != null) {
if (this.applicationContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"SchedulerFactoryBean needs to be set up in an ApplicationContext " +
"to be able to handle an 'applicationContextSchedulerContextKey'");
this.scheduler.getContext().put(this.applicationContextSchedulerContextKey, this.applicationContext);
} /**
* Start the Quartz Scheduler, respecting the "startupDelay" setting.
* @param scheduler the Scheduler to start
* @param startupDelay the number of seconds to wait before starting
* the Scheduler asynchronously
protected void startScheduler(final Scheduler scheduler, final int startupDelay) throws SchedulerException {
if (startupDelay <= 0) {
logger.info("Starting Quartz Scheduler now");
else {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Will start Quartz Scheduler [" + scheduler.getSchedulerName() +
"] in " + startupDelay + " seconds");
Thread schedulerThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
Thread.sleep(startupDelay * 1000);
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// simply proceed
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Starting Quartz Scheduler now, after delay of " + startupDelay + " seconds");
try {
catch (SchedulerException ex) {
throw new SchedulingException("Could not start Quartz Scheduler after delay", ex);
schedulerThread.setName("Quartz Scheduler [" + scheduler.getSchedulerName() + "]");
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of FactoryBean interface
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override
public Scheduler getScheduler() {
return this.scheduler;
} @Override
public Scheduler getObject() {
return this.scheduler;
} @Override
public Class<? extends Scheduler> getObjectType() {
return (this.scheduler != null) ? this.scheduler.getClass() : Scheduler.class;
} @Override
public boolean isSingleton() {
return true;
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of SmartLifecycle interface
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override
public void start() throws SchedulingException {
if (this.scheduler != null) {
try {
startScheduler(this.scheduler, this.startupDelay);
catch (SchedulerException ex) {
throw new SchedulingException("Could not start Quartz Scheduler", ex);
} @Override
public void stop() throws SchedulingException {
if (this.scheduler != null) {
try {
catch (SchedulerException ex) {
throw new SchedulingException("Could not stop Quartz Scheduler", ex);
} @Override
public void stop(Runnable callback) throws SchedulingException {
} @Override
public boolean isRunning() throws SchedulingException {
if (this.scheduler != null) {
try {
return !this.scheduler.isInStandbyMode();
catch (SchedulerException ex) {
return false;
return false;
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of DisposableBean interface
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Shut down the Quartz scheduler on bean factory shutdown,
* stopping all scheduled jobs.
public void destroy() throws SchedulerException {
logger.info("Shutting down Quartz Scheduler");
} }





Register ApplicationContext in Scheduler context.

从Scheduler上下文中获取ApplicationContext, 通过其指定的key获取。
















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