Quick and dirty  快而脏的快餐

Food delivery is a booming business. Waste is piling up, too 


THREE couriers[1] in hard helmets cram into[2] an office lift[3] in Beijing—one clad in[4] red, one in yellow and one in blue. The trio[5] are dispatching food that was purchased online through China’s most
popular meal-ordering firms[6], which fill urban roads every midday[7] with their colourful delivery
[8] on electric bicycles. Delivery fees as low as three yuan ($0.46)
have helped to transform urban lunch-hours[9]. But the booming[10] business is also fuelling concerns[11] about everything from waste to the abuse[12] of workers.


Fast food, with plenty of extras 

[1] courier:快递员。这里指的是送餐员。

[2] cram into:挤进,勉强塞入,填满

[3] lift:电梯

[4] clad in:穿着

[5] trio:三人,三重唱,三人一组。

[6] meal-ordering firms:订餐公司,送餐公司

[7] midday:中午,正午。

[8] delivery people:送餐人员。

[9] Delivery fees as low as three yuan ($0.46) have helped to transform
urban lunch-hours. 低达三元(0.46美元)的送餐费,让城市用餐时间变了个样。

[10] booming:兴旺的,繁荣的。

[11] concern:关注。

[12] abuse:虐待,滥用。

Such services—which enable users of a single site to order food from a swathe of[1] local restaurants—are expanding around the world. But in China the industry is on a tear[2]. By the end of June, the number of registered users had risen to 295m[3], 40% more than at the end of last year, according to government analysts. The value of meals bought online was about $25bn in 2016 and could rise to around $36bn by the end of next year, says iiMedia[4], a research firm. The market leaders are Meituan[5] and Ele.me[6]. Both still make losses in food delivery, but they have backing from Tencent and Alibaba respectively—tech giants eager to find ways of pushing customers to their duelling[7] online payment systems.


[1] A swathe of:一长串,很多,众多。

[2] on a tear:炙手可热,很受欢迎。

[3] 295m = 2.95 million。这里的m是million的缩写,有时也用大写M。类似的缩写还有 k = kilo(千),b 或 bn = billion(十亿)。在电脑中,k、M、G、T分别是千、兆(百万)、吉(十亿)、特(万亿)。

[4] iiMedia = iiMedia Research:艾媒咨询。


[5] Meituan:美团。美团网[1]  ,是2010年3月4日成立的团购网站。美团网有着“吃喝玩乐全都有”的宣传口号。总部位于北京市朝阳区望京东路6号。

[6] Ele.me:饿了么。是中国知名的在线外卖订餐平台,已覆盖中国数百个城市,数千万用户,聚集了数十万家餐饮商户。饿了么为中国广泛地区的用户提供丰富多样的便捷生活服务。

[7] duel:决斗,斗争。duelling:竞争激烈的,努力经营的。


Such businesses first began to take off[1] in student dormitories. These days young office-workers are by far the biggest market. But there is much hand-wringing[2] about the consequences of their popularity. Officials say the couriers threaten road safety. They ride electric bikes which are cheap, need no licence and are handy[3] in cities like Beijing that restrict the use of motorcycles. Delivery people often mount[4] pavements or drive against the flow of traffic to maximise[5] earnings during the lunchtime rush[6]. Last month officials in Nanjing said meal delivery bikes in the eastern city had been involved in more than 3,000 accidents in the first six months of the year. In one district of Shanghai police have introduced a penalty-points system. They order those who acquire a certain number of points to perform community service. The police can ask couriers’ employers to fire[7] them.


Another worry is the welfare of delivery people, many of whom are migrants from the countryside. In several ways they have it easier[8] than other types of courier: food boxes are easier to handle than bulky parcels, and the

[1] take off:起飞,脱下,离开。这里理解成“发展”。

[2] hand-wringing:绝望,歇斯底里状态。

[3] handy:方便的,便利的,容易取得的。

[4] mount:登上(马、自行车、电动自行车等)。

[5] maximise:最大化,使……变得最大/最高。

[6] lunchtime rush:午餐高峰期。

[7] fire:解雇,开除。

[8] have it easier:过得舒服,处境很好,处于无忧无虑、轻松的境况,尤指与别人相比时显得轻松自在。这里指送餐的工作比送快递更轻松更舒服。

recipients are always there. But China Labour Bulletin[1], an NGO[2] in Hong Kong, says meal deliverers have been staging[3] growing numbers of protests about poor treatment by their employers (usually subcontractors), including wages paid late. Linking their pay to customer ratings[4] has also made it easy for customers to demand more of them than they should: the purchase of groceries enroute to their destinations, for example, or the disposal of household rubbish.


Most hotly debated[5] of late[6] is the impact the business is having on the environment. Each day about 65m meal-containers are discarded, by one estimate[7]. Campaigners[8] object to the unwanted cutlery[9], napkins[10] and chopsticks that restaurants selling through online platforms habitually bundle with orders[11]. The Green Volunteer

[1] China Labour Bulletin:中国劳工通讯。1994年成立于香港的公益机构,致力于通过法律诉讼保护工人权益,同时推动工人与工会的良性互动,建立企业集体谈判制度。

[2] NGO = non-governmental organization:非政府组织。

[3] stage:发起/组织/筹划(某行动),上演

[4] rating:评价,评级。

[5] debated:有争议的,热议的。

[6] of late:最近,近来。

[7] estimate: n. 估计,估计数字。

[8] campaigner:活动推动者。

[9] cultery:餐具,刀具。

[10] napkin:餐巾纸,餐巾,尿布。

[11] order:订单。


League of Chongqing[1], a Chinese NGO, says that food-delivery sites have not made it easy enough for customers to refuse such sundries[2] (the big companies deny this). In September a court in Beijing agreed to examine whether they have violated consumers’ rights.


There would be much less reason to worry about the mountains of waste if households and local governments did a better job of keeping recyclables separate from gunk[3]. This year the central government ordered 46 cities to come up with new systems for sorting rubbish, which it talks of making mandatory[4] by 2020. That is progress, but only if it is unwavering[5]: over the years officials have found several similar campaigns all too easy to throw out[6].


[1] Green Volunteer League of Chongqing:重庆绿色志愿者联合会。成立于1995年,是以宣传环保为理念,推进公众环保运动为目的的非政府组织。执行着“少说多做、身体力行”的行动准则。争取、团结公众及社会团体,关心环保事业,身体力行参与环保活动,开展可持续发展教育,倡导绿色文明。

[2] sundries:杂物,杂货。

[3] gunk:滑腻物,粘稠污物。这里指吃完快餐后产生的粘稠垃圾。

[4] mandatory:强制性的,命令的。

[5] unwavering:坚定不移的,不动摇的。

[6] throw out:说出,推出,抛出,扔掉。

Quick and dirty 快而脏的快餐


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