1. RHEL的支持策略是怎么样的?

标准支持(一般7年)+ 延长支持(3年)

2. 升级RHEL的好处有哪些?

More advantageous to upgrade completely to newer releases
— Take advantage of latest hardware and virtualization capabilities
— New management, technologies and deployment stacks
— Realize more scaling, more performance and more flexibility with newer releases

3. 我应该采取哪种方式的生命周期管理策略?

详见 https://www.redhat.com/f/pdf/RHEL-4-EOL_Consideration-Options_Customer_22DEC11.pdf

4. RHEL程序兼容性指南

RHEL6: http://dynamic.ziftsolutions.com/clients/redhat/pdf/rhel6/RHEL6_App_Compatibility_WP.pdf

RHEL7: https://access.redhat.com/articles/rhel-abi-compatibility

5. What does RHEL use OpenSSL compatibility packages for?

RHEL 6 includes an openssl098e compatibility library, compatible with openssl packages from RHEL 5.
RHEL 5 includes an openssl097a compatibility library, compatible with openssl packages from RHEL 3 and 4.
RHEL 3 and 4 include an openssl096b compatibility library, compatible with openssl packages from RHEL 2.1

Unlike most other such compability packages, the OpenSSL ones do not have "compat" in their name to indicate their status as compatiblity packages. As they are only intended for runtime compatibility, there is no corresponding "devel" package for them like there is for the regular openssl package.

6. What is the glibc?

The glibc package contains standard libraries which are used by multiple programs on the system. In order to save disk space and memory, as well as to make upgrading easier, common system code is kept in one place and shared between programs. This particular package contains the most important sets of shared libraries: the standard C library and the standard math library. Without these two libraries, a Linux system will not function.

7. What glibc version is shipped with a particular Red Hat Enterprise Linux Update?








glibc-2.12-1.X glibc-2.17-X

Note 1 : compat-glibc-2.3.2 package is shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.
Note 2 : compat-glibc-2.3.4 package is shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
Note 3 : compat-glibc-2.5 package is shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Note 4 : compat-glibc-2.12 package is shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
Note 5 : To keep binary compatibility, Red Hat does not support glibc major-version upgrade in the same major Updates.


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