


正则表达式 描述       
\ 转义字符,将特殊字符进行转义,忽略其特殊意义
^ 匹配行首,awk中,^是匹配字符串的开始
$ 匹配行尾,awk中,$是匹配字符串的结尾
^$ 表示空行
. 匹配除换行符\n之外的任意一个字符
[ ] 匹配包含在[字符]之中的任意单个字符
[^ ] 匹配[^字符]之外的任意一个字符
[ - ] 匹配 [ ] 指定范围内的任意一个字符
? 匹配之前的项目1次或者0次
+ 匹配之前的项1次或多次
* 匹配之前的项0次或多次,.*
( ) 匹配表达式,创建一个用于匹配的子串
{ n } 匹配之前的项至少需要匹配n次
{n,} 之前的项至少需要匹配n次
{n,m} 指定之前的项至少匹配n次,最多匹配m次,n<=m

交替匹配 | 两边的任意一项ab(c|d)匹配abc 或 abd


>[[:space:]]   空格

[[:digit:]]  [0-9]

[[:lower:]]  [a-z]

[[:upper:]]  [A-Z]

[[:alpha:]]  [a-Z]


[root@web02 ]# cat test.txt (练习文本)
I am timfly student!
I learn linux is very happy.
test I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com
my qq num is .
not .


[root@web02 ]# grep "^m" test.txt
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
my qq num is .
[root@web02 ]# grep "m$" test.txt
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com #排除空行,并打印行号
[root@web02 ]# grep -vn "^$" test.txt
:I am timfly student!
:I learn linux is very happy.
:I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
:my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
:our site is http://www.timfly123.com
:my qq num is .
:not . #匹配任意一个字符,但不包括空行
[root@web02 ]# grep "." test.txt
I am timfly student!
I learn linux is very happy.
I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com
my qq num is .
not #匹配所有
[root@web02 ]# grep "." test.txt
I am timfly student!
I learn linux is very happy.
I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com
my qq num is .
not #匹配单个任意字符
[root@web02 ]# grep "tim.ly" test.txt
I am timfly student!
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com #匹配以.结尾的
[root@web02 ]# grep "\.$" test.txt
I learn linux is very happy.
my qq num is .
not . #精确匹配到
[root@web02 ]# grep -o "8*" test.txt [root@web02 ]# grep -o "tim*" test.txt
tim #匹配有abc的行,数字所在的行,所有小写字母
[root@web02 ]# grep "[abc]" test.txt
I am timfly student!
I learn linux is very happy.
I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com [root@web02 ]# grep "[0-9]" test.txt
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com
my qq num is .
not . [root@web02 ]# grep "[a-z]" test.txt
I am timfly student!
I learn linux is very happy.
I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com
my qq num is .
not . [root@web02 ]# grep "[a-z]" test.txt
I am timfly student!
I learn linux is very happy.
I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
my blog is http://timfly.blog.51cto.com
our site is http://www.timfly123.com
my qq num is .
not . #重复8三次
[root@web02 ]# grep "8\{3\}" test.txt ##带转义字符
not .
[root@web02 ]# grep "8{3}" test.txt     ##不带转义字符也没有正则
[root@web02 ]# egrep "8{3}" test.txt     ##正则匹配
not .
[root@web02 ]# grep -E "8{3}" test.txt     ##加-E 参数
not . #重复数字8,-5次
[root@web02 ]# egrep "8{3,5}" test.txt
not . #重复8一次或以上
[root@web02 ]# grep -E "8{1,}" test.txt
not .


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