Deploy Openstack with RDO and Change VNC console to Spice

  • host os: centOS 7 server

  • config network and keep network working

    here the IP address is

  • install openstack using RDO

sudo yum update -y
#install liberty default
sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack
packstack --allinone
  • login to http://$YOURIP/dashboard with admin or demo

    password is in /root/keystonerc_admin or keystonerc_demo

  • config spice manually

    stop vnc service and comment the vnc related configuration

systemctl stop openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
 # /etc/nova/nova.conf
  • install spice service
yum install spice-html5
yum install openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy
  • config spice
# /etc/nova/nova.conf
  • open the spice port
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 6082 -m comment --comment "Allow SPICE connections for console access " -j ACCEPT
  • restart services
service openstack-nova-compute restart
service httpd restart
systemctl enable openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy
systemctl start openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy.service
service openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy status
  • check instance's spice port
ps -ef | grep spice | grep port


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