


This class processes HTML strings into displayable styledtext.

Not all HTML tags are supported.






* Retrieves images for HTML <img> tags.
public static interface ImageGetter {  
        * This methos is called when the HTML parser encounters an
        * <img> tag.  The <code>source</code> argument is the
        * string from the "src" attribute; the return value should be
        * a Drawable representation of the image or <code>null</code>
        * for a generic replacement image.  Make sure you call
        * setBounds() on your Drawable if it doesn't already have
        * its bounds set.
       public Drawable getDrawable(String source);  


public class MyImageGetter implements ImageGetter {  
   WeakReference<TextView> mTextViewReference;  
   Context mContext;  
   public MyImageGetter(Context context, TextView textView, int with) {  
       mContext = context.getApplicationContext();  
       mTextViewReference = new WeakReference<TextView>(textView);  
   public Drawable getDrawable(String url) {  
       URLDrawable urlDrawable = new URLDrawable(mContext);  
       // 异步获取图片,并刷新显示内容  
       new ImageGetterAsyncTask(url, urlDrawable).execute();  
       return urlDrawable;  
   public class ImageGetterAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Drawable> {  
       WeakReference<URLDrawable> mURLDrawableReference;  
       String mUrl;  
       public ImageGetterAsyncTask(String url, URLDrawable drawable) {  
           mURLDrawableReference = new WeakReference<URLDrawable>(drawable);  
           mUrl = url;  
       protected Drawable doInBackground(String... params) {  
           // 下载图片,并且使用缓存  
           Bitmap bitmap = DownlaodUtils.getNetworkImageWithCache(mContext, mUrl);      
           BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = new BitmapDrawable(mContext.getResources(), bitmap);  
           Rect bounds = new Rect(0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());  
           if (mURLDrawableReference.get() != null) {  
           return bitmapDrawable;  
       protected void onPostExecute(Drawable result) {  
           if (null != result) {  
               if (mURLDrawableReference.get() != null) {  
                   mURLDrawableReference.get().drawable = result;  
               if (mTextViewReference.get() != null) {  
                   // 加载完一张图片之后刷新显示内容  
   public class URLDrawable extends BitmapDrawable {  
       protected Drawable drawable;  
       public URLDrawable(Context context) {  
           // 设置默认大小和默认图片  
           Rect bounds = new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);  
           drawable = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.default_image);  
       public void draw(Canvas canvas) {  
           if (drawable != null) {  


  1. MyImageGetter imageGetter = new MyImageGetter(this, contentTextView);

  2. contentTextView.setText(Html.formHtml(htmlString, imageGetter, null));



    * Is notified when HTML tags are encountered that the parser does
    * not know how to interpret.
   public static interface TagHandler {  
        * This method will be called whenn the HTML parser encounters
        * a tag that it does not know how to interpret.
       public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output, XMLReader xmlReader);  


public class MyTagHandler implements TagHandler {  
   private mContext;  
   public MyTagHandler(Context context) {  
       mContext = context.getApplicationContext();  
   public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output, XMLReader xmlReader) {  
       // 处理标签<img>  
       if (tag.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).equals("img")) {  
           // 获取长度  
           int len = output.length();  
           // 获取图片地址  
           ImageSpan[] images = output.getSpans(len-1, len, ImageSpan.class);  
           String imgURL = images[0].getSource();  
           // 使图片可点击并监听点击事件  
           output.setSpan(new ClickableImage(mContext, imgURL), len-1, len, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);  
   private class ClickableImage extends ClickableSpan {  
       private String url;  
       private Context context;  
       public ClickableImage(Context context, String url) {  
           this.context = context;  
           this.url = url;  
       public void onClick(View widget) {  
           // 进行图片点击之后的处理  


MyImageGetter imageGetter = new MyImageGetter(this, contentTextView);  
MyTagHandler tagHandler = new MyTagHandler(this);  
contentTextView.setText(Html.formHtml(htmlString, imageGetter, tagHandler));  



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