
另一方面现在公司技术栈不再停留在只有 Laravel + VUE 了,我们还有小程序、APP 等开发,所以我关注的东西也就多了。


好了,废话不多说,今天来说一说「Eloquent: 修改器」。

一直想好好研究下 Eloquent。但苦于 Eloquent 有太多可研究的,无法找到一个切入点。前两天看一同事好像对这个「Eloquent: 修改器」了解不多,所以今天就拿它作为入口,扒一扒其实现源代码。

首先还是拿一个 Demo 为例:


namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Carbon\Carbon; class Baby extends Model
protected $table = 'baby';
protected $appends = ['age']; public function getAgeAttribute()
$date = new Carbon($this->birthday);
return Carbon::now()->diffInYears($date);

这个代码比较简单,就是通过已有属性 birthday,计算 Baby 几岁了,得到 age 属性。


return $baby->age;

同样的,还有 setXxxAttribute 方法来定义一个修改器。


读代码还是从使用入手,如上通过 $baby->age 调用 age 属性,这个属性没在类中定义,所以只能通过 PHP 的魔术方法 __get() 调用了。

我们看看 Model 类的 __get() 方法:

* Dynamically retrieve attributes on the model.
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function __get($key)
return $this->getAttribute($key);


* Get an attribute from the model.
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function getAttribute($key)
if (! $key) {
} // If the attribute exists in the attribute array or has a "get" mutator we will
// get the attribute's value. Otherwise, we will proceed as if the developers
// are asking for a relationship's value. This covers both types of values.
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->attributes) ||
$this->hasGetMutator($key)) {
return $this->getAttributeValue($key);
} ...

重点自然就在第二个 if 上,主要判断 attributes 数组中是否包含该属性,如果没有,则会执行函数 $this->hasGetMutator($key)

* Determine if a get mutator exists for an attribute.
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function hasGetMutator($key)
return method_exists($this, 'get'.Str::studly($key).'Attribute');

这就对上了我们的 Demo 中自定义的函数 getAgeAttribute(),也就返回 true 了。

接下来就是执行函数 $this->getAttributeValue($key),进而执行函数:return $this->mutateAttribute($key, $value);

* Get the value of an attribute using its mutator.
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return mixed
protected function mutateAttribute($key, $value)
return $this->{'get'.Str::studly($key).'Attribute'}($value);

好了,到此我们基本就知道了获取自定义 Attribute 的流程了。

相信解析 set XxxAttribute 也是很简单的。


好长时间没写东西了,先从最简单的入手,练练手。解析 Eloquent 需要费很多脑细胞,接下来的一段时间我会围绕着这个主题好好研究下去,尽可能的全部解读一遍::

| |____Manager.php
| |____BuildsQueries.php
| |____ManagesTransactions.php
| |____ConnectionFactory.php
| |____Connector.php
| |____ConnectorInterface.php
| |____MySqlConnector.php
| |____PostgresConnector.php
| |____SQLiteConnector.php
| |____SqlServerConnector.php
| |____Factories
| | |____FactoryMakeCommand.php
| | |____stubs
| | | |____factory.stub
| |____Migrations
| | |____BaseCommand.php
| | |____FreshCommand.php
| | |____InstallCommand.php
| | |____MigrateCommand.php
| | |____MigrateMakeCommand.php
| | |____RefreshCommand.php
| | |____ResetCommand.php
| | |____RollbackCommand.php
| | |____StatusCommand.php
| |____Seeds
| | |____SeedCommand.php
| | |____SeederMakeCommand.php
| | |____stubs
| | | |____seeder.stub
| |____Builder.php
| |____Collection.php
| |____Concerns
| | |____GuardsAttributes.php
| | |____HasAttributes.php
| | |____HasEvents.php
| | |____HasGlobalScopes.php
| | |____HasRelationships.php
| | |____HasTimestamps.php
| | |____HidesAttributes.php
| | |____QueriesRelationships.php
| |____Factory.php
| |____FactoryBuilder.php
| |____JsonEncodingException.php
| |____MassAssignmentException.php
| |____Model.php
| |____ModelNotFoundException.php
| |____QueueEntityResolver.php
| |____RelationNotFoundException.php
| |____Relations
| | |____BelongsTo.php
| | |____BelongsToMany.php
| | |____Concerns
| | | |____InteractsWithPivotTable.php
| | | |____SupportsDefaultModels.php
| | |____HasMany.php
| | |____HasManyThrough.php
| | |____HasOne.php
| | |____HasOneOrMany.php
| | |____MorphMany.php
| | |____MorphOne.php
| | |____MorphOneOrMany.php
| | |____MorphPivot.php
| | |____MorphTo.php
| | |____MorphToMany.php
| | |____Pivot.php
| | |____Relation.php
| |____Scope.php
| |____SoftDeletes.php
| |____SoftDeletingScope.php
| |____ConnectionEvent.php
| |____QueryExecuted.php
| |____StatementPrepared.php
| |____TransactionBeginning.php
| |____TransactionCommitted.php
| |____TransactionRolledBack.php
| |____DatabaseMigrationRepository.php
| |____Migration.php
| |____MigrationCreator.php
| |____MigrationRepositoryInterface.php
| |____Migrator.php
| |____stubs
| | |____blank.stub
| | |____create.stub
| | |____update.stub
| |____Builder.php
| |____Expression.php
| |____Grammars
| | |____Grammar.php
| | |____MySqlGrammar.php
| | |____PostgresGrammar.php
| | |____SQLiteGrammar.php
| | |____SqlServerGrammar.php
| |____JoinClause.php
| |____JsonExpression.php
| |____Processors
| | |____MySqlProcessor.php
| | |____PostgresProcessor.php
| | |____Processor.php
| | |____SQLiteProcessor.php
| | |____SqlServerProcessor.php
| |____Blueprint.php
| |____Builder.php
| |____Grammars
| | |____ChangeColumn.php
| | |____Grammar.php
| | |____MySqlGrammar.php
| | |____PostgresGrammar.php
| | |____RenameColumn.php
| | |____SQLiteGrammar.php
| | |____SqlServerGrammar.php
| |____MySqlBuilder.php
| |____PostgresBuilder.php
| |____SQLiteBuilder.php
| |____SqlServerBuilder.php





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