
class Solution {
string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
if(num1.empty() || num1.size() == || num2.empty() || num2.size() == )
return "";
if(num1 == "" || num2 == "")
return ""; //keep num2 the smaller
if(num1.size() < num2.size())
string t = num1; num1 = num2; num2 = t;
string ans = "";
ans.resize(num1.size()); //initialize
for(size_t i = ; i < num1.size(); i++)
ans[i] = ''; int pos = ;
int times = ;
int sum = ; for(int index2 = num2.size() - ; index2 >= ; index2--)
pos = ans.size() - - times;
int carry = ;
for(int index1 = num1.size() - ; index1 >=; index1--)
sum = carry + (num1[index1] - '')*(num2[index2] - '') + ans[pos] - '';
carry = sum/;
ans[pos] = sum% + '';
// ans has been the beginning while index1 not, and ans has been the beginning and here are carry
if(pos == - &&(carry > || index1 != ))
string t = "";
t[] = carry + '';
ans = t + ans;
carry = ;
pos = ;
return ans;


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