Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The two types of SELECT controls that are included in Windows Internet Explorer 7 are the Windowed SELECT control and the Windowless SELECT control. This article contains information about these controls.

The Windowed SELECT control was implemented as a wrapper of a native shell common control in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and in earlier versions of Internet Explorer.

The Windowless SELECT control was implemented as a fully intrinsic element in Internet Explorer 7.

The Windowless SELECT control was designed to replace the Windowed SELECT control in Internet Explorer 7. However, this design change has triggered some compatibility issues with Microsoft Office 2003 and with earlier versions of Office.

For Internet Explorer 7 to support the Windowed SELECT control in Office 2003 and earlier versions, the following registry subkey is added when you install Internet Explorer 7:


这4个应用程序被设定为使用传统的 Windowed SELECT control


如果使用Windowless SELECT control ,则移除或者设定为0

Windows7 64bit系统的注册表分32 位注册表项和64位注册表项两部分。




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