Meeting time:   2015.September.8th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, PTL from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1.Future of stackforge/yaql.

Action: The OpenStack community choose a date upon which to perform a mass migration of all stackforge/ projects into openstack/.

      The date is either October 17 or November 7 (both Saturdays),

      as least likely to interfere with the release or summit.

      The community create a wiki page for all such projects to

      either sign up for that migration or indicate that they are no longer maintained.

      Any stackforge projects that do not sign up for the migration within a certain time

      are placed on the list of projects that are no longer maintained.

      The murano team agree to migrate the yaql code from stackforge to openstack.


2.New murano API.

 Status: There are some bugs that can not be solved in Murano API v1.

      So the murano team decide to develop new API v2 in the Mitaka version.

      And now start to collect the ideas about murano API v2.

 Action: Nikolay to send e-mail about collecting requirements for new API


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  7. 如何判断手机收有几张SIM卡
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