    As usual we will check the MySQL executed plan of SQL query by execute "explain select ... ;".It's a simple way to get the information of executed plan.Furthermore,we can also get a json format execution plan by execute "explain format=json select ... ;" for more detail of SQL query.Alternatively,we can also get another kind of execution plan organized by a tree modality.Well,what is that then?
    pt-visual-explain relies on MySQL explain.It provides a easy-to-understand way by truning original explain output into a tree modaity.The tree is left-deep and depth-first(see it from bottom to roof).Its parameters are very simple(almost least in most of the tools in Percona-Toolkit).Let's see the details.
 pt-visual-explain [OPTIONS] [FILES]
 --clustered-pk -- For innodb,it allows primary key index access not to use bookmark lookup.
--format -- Set the type of output(default "tree",others "dump").
--connect -- Specify a followed file which contains a query and output result of explain on the query.
--database -- Specify which database to connect.
--host -- Specify connection hostname.
--port -- Specify connection port.
--user -- Specify connection user.
--password -- Specify connection password.
--socket -- Specify connection socket.
Create test table and insert rows into them(you can use procedure to do this).
 root@localhost:mysql3306.sock [zlm]>show create table customer\G
*************************** . row ***************************
Table: customer
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `customer` (
`id` int() unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`order_id` int() unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`name` varchar() NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`gender` enum('male','female') NOT NULL,
row in set (0.00 sec) root@localhost:mysql3306.sock [zlm]>show create table goods\G
*************************** . row ***************************
Table: goods
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `goods` (
`id` int() unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`order_id` int() unsigned NOT NULL,
`goodsname` varchar() NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
row in set (0.00 sec)
Generate a tree using a file which contains a query statement.
 [root@zlm1 :: ~]
#echo "select count(*) from customer join goods using(order_id);" > query1.sql [root@zlm1 :: ~]
#pt-visual-explain -h192.168.56. -P3306 -urepl -prepl4slave -Dzlm --connect query1.sql
+- Join buffer
| +- Filter with WHERE
| +- Table scan -- It means "customer" is a drived table,do full table scan.
| rows
| +- Table
| table customer
+- Table scan -- It means "goods" is a drive table,do full table scan,too.
+- Table
table goods [root@zlm1 :: ~]
Compare the original explain result with the output above.
 root@localhost:mysql3306.sock [zlm]>explain select count(*) from customer join goods using(order_id);
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
| | SIMPLE | goods | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 100.00 | NULL |
| | SIMPLE | customer | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 10.00 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |
rows in set, warning (0.00 sec) ###The output of explain is compatiable with the output of tree above.###
Generate a tree using a file which contains a explain output.
 [root@zlm1 :: ~]
#mysql -e "use zlm;explain select count(*) from customer join goods where goods.goodsname='cellphone';" > explain1.log [root@zlm1 :: ~]
#pt-visual-explain -h192.168.56. -P3306 -urepl -prepl4slave explain1.log
+- Join buffer
| +- Index scan -- It means "customer" is a drive table,do index scan with primary.
| key customer->PRIMARY
| key_len
| rows
+- Filter with WHERE
+- Table scan -- It means "goods" is a drive table,do full table scan,too.
+- Table
table goods [root@zlm1 :: ~]
Compare the original explain result with the output above.
 root@localhost:mysql3306.sock [zlm]>explain select count(*) from customer join goods where goods.goodsname='cellphone';
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
| | SIMPLE | goods | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 10.00 | Using where |
| | SIMPLE | customer | NULL | index | NULL | PRIMARY | | NULL | | 100.00 | Using index; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |
rows in set, warning (0.00 sec)
Generate a tree using standard input of MySQL command line with "-e" parameter.
 [root@zlm1 :: ~]
#mysql -e "use zlm;explain select,c.gender,g.goodsname from goods g,customer c where c.order_id=g.order_id and<=5;" | pt-visual-explain
+- Join buffer
| +- Filter with WHERE
| +- Table scan
| rows
| +- Table
| table g -- Show table with alias "g" and it's a dirved table,do full table scan.
+- Filter with WHERE
+- Bookmark lookup -- If you're using only innodb table,this kind of lookup will lead to bad performance.
+- Table
| table c -- Show table with alias "c" and it's a drive table,do index range scan.
| possible_keys PRIMARY
+- Index range scan
key c->PRIMARY
possible_keys PRIMARY
rows [root@zlm1 :: ~]
#select,c.gender,g.goodsname from goods g,customer c where c.order_id=g.order_id and<=;
| name | gender | goodsname |
| zlm | male | tv |
| zlm | male | tv |
| zlm | male | tv |
| zlm | male | tv |
| zlm | male | tv |
| zlm | male | cd |
| zlm | male | cd |
| zlm | male | cd |
| zlm | male | cd |
| zlm | male | cd |
| zlm | male | dvd |
| zlm | male | dvd |
| zlm | male | dvd |
| zlm | male | dvd |
| zlm | male | dvd |
| zlm | male | cellphone |
| zlm | male | cellphone |
| zlm | male | cellphone |
| zlm | male | cellphone |
| zlm | male | cellphone |
| zlm | male | computer |
| zlm | male | computer |
| zlm | male | computer |
| zlm | male | computer |
| zlm | male | computer |
rows in set (0.00 sec)
Compare the original explain result with the output above.
 root@localhost:mysql3306.sock [zlm]>explain select,c.gender,g.goodsname from goods g,customer c where c.order_id=g.order_id and<=;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
| | SIMPLE | c | NULL | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | | NULL | | 100.00 | Using where |
| | SIMPLE | g | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 10.00 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |
rows in set, warning (0.00 sec)
As the test tables are both innodb tables,use “--clustered-pk" option is recommended.
 [root@zlm1 :: ~]
#mysql -e "use zlm;explain select,c.gender,g.goodsname from goods g,customer c where c.order_id=g.order_id and<=5;" | pt-visual-explain --clustered-pk
+- Join buffer
| +- Filter with WHERE
| +- Table scan
| rows
| +- Table
| table g
+- Filter with WHERE
+- Index range scan -- This time the "bookmark lookup" is missing.It will lookup by pk directly what is more efficient way.
key c->PRIMARY
possible_keys PRIMARY
  • The "--clustered-pk" is only for innodb case to avoid bookmark lookup.
  • If you specify the "--connect" option, a file contains SQL query need to be used,too.
  • pt-visual-explain depends on explain of MySQL and provides several ways to generate trees.
  • The information of pt-visual-explain is limited,if you want to get more details such as "cost_info","query_cost",etc.You'd better use json format of original MySQL explain.


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