Adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you.


The very theme of the universe is to change, all things in this world are changing all the time.

If you stay the same, whereas things around you are changing, you will find you are left behind by the people and by the time.

You may think you can cope all the events by sticking to some fundamental principles, or you can tackle with some new challenges with your existing knowledge and experience, sometimes that may be true, but sooner or later you will find that may be not enough.

Try to make some changes, even a little bit, day by day, eventually you will find there would be a big difference occuring in your life.

Remember, some miserable things in the process can ruin your life only if they ruin your character, otherwise they can't harm you, inside or out, and they may benefit you in some ways.

One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.


When you run for your dreams, you will find that life is so brilliant.

Sometimes we need to set somewhat greater or higher goals to stimulate us to achieve the summit, but sometimes we need to lower the goals and expectations for some insurmountable difficulties, and such choice would be temporary and expedient.

Don't sink for things we lost, we always can choose to rise, even the rise itself makes no sense.

And don't let your negative moods push everyone around you away and then say you have no one to rely on.


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