There is more to life than increasing its speed.


I always think I have walked very slowly on my life road, sometimes I even walked backwards and stopped for some meaningless recreations, so there is no doubt that I have lagged behind in the life-long race, just compared with those who had a lower starting point, not to mention those who had the same or higher starting point.

Some people say if you walk too fast, you might lose the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sceneries along the road, but I didn't find anything beautiful on my way even when I walked backwards or stopped to find them.

Maybe I had met those beautiful things but I missed them.

Maybe I had been indifferent to the grandeurs on my way just because I was too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of the life.

Too slow, too slow.

Since I couldn't find the beautiful things when I walked slowly, maybe it will works better if I can increase my speed.

Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed.


Recently I have been troubled by the pains of my right leg, and the thing I insist on doing hasn't have a good result yet, and I lost the qualification to apply a subsidy from the government...

I feel so frustrated.

I doubted that if the more I do, the harder I work, maybe the more I will lose and the more pains I will get.

I am so disappointed, sometimes I thought I may lost the confidence in life.

Courage to go on living? Maybe I have, but it seems I have lost it gradually.

What should I do? Can anyone save me out of the present troubles?


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