Refresh / Updating a form screen in Oracle D2k Forms 6i


You want to show number of records processed progress or a progress bar on form through a procedure. 


  nTotalRec Number := 10000;
  nCurrRec Number := 1;
   For i in 1..nTotalRec Loop
       :ablock.aitem := nCurrRec;
       Synchronize; -- this will update the screen
       --- do something here
       nCurrRec := nCurrRec + 1;
   End Loop;

This will do the needfull. But during this process if anybody click on the form then it will not show the progress but processing will be continued. The solution of this problem is to put the below command in when-new-form-instance trigger:

:system.message_level := 5;

Now a smooth screen update will run.

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Refreshing a form in Oracle

Reviewed by Vizu Fernandis on

Jan 06



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