Today, I started to create a couple of JSP pages for the server-side part of my MSc thesis project in order to be able to output some meaningful statistics of the underlying data in form of diagrams. The server was already based on Tomcat and Spring because the mobile client transmits the data over XML-RPC HTTP to an appropriate Spring controller which handles the requests.

So everything I needed to do was to

  • create a "jsp" folder inside the WEB-INF directory
  • inside the "jsp" folder, create a jsp file with the desired content
  • create a Spring controller, which returns as ModelAndView the jsp page
  • create a ViewResolver bean in the spring configuration
  • define a correct mapping in the SimpleUrlHandlerMapping that points to the before created controller

That was it, everything seemed to work, but when I made a request I got

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No output folder

The problem here were incorrectly set permissions on the Tomcat installation folder. Basically, the installation was done under the root user while the application started as the user with which I was currently logged on at my machine. To solve this it's enough to do the following:

chown -R Juri apache-tomcat-6.0.29

reference from:


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  20. Tomcat权威指南-读书摘要系列3


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