

#include <setjmp.h>
int setjmp(jmp_buf env); //返回值:若第一次直接调用则直接返回0,若从longjmp调用则返回下面的val
void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val);


[henry@localhost c]$ gcc -g youhua.c -o youhua


[henry@localhost c]$ gcc -g -O youhua.c -o youhua_after


  • 不进行优化时,上面定义的5个变量包括register变量都直接从内存中取值。
  • 进行优化后,register变量和局部变量gcc都是从寄存器中取的值。 





'-O '
'-O1 '
Optimize. Optimizing compilation takes somewhat more time, and a
lot more memory for a large function. With `-O ', the compiler tries to reduce code size and execution
time, without performing any optimizations that take a great deal ##编译器试着减少代码段的大小和代码执行时间,如果没有执行一些
of compilation time. 优化结果将花费大量编译时间。 `-O ' turns on the following optimization flags:
-fdefer-pop 延迟到必要时在函数栈种pop参数
-fmerge-constants `-O ' also turns on `-fomit-frame-pointer ' on machines where doing ## ’-O‘也打开-fomit-frame-pointer标志当机器                    so does not interfere with debugging. 这样做不会影响干涉调试。          `-O ' doesn 't turn on `-ftree-sra ' for the Ada compiler. This
          option must be explicitly specified on the command line to be enabled for the Ada compiler.`-O2 ' 
 `-O2 '  
Optimize even more. GCC performs nearly all supported optimizations that do not involve a space-speed tradeoff.The compiler does not perform loop unrolling or function inlining when you specify `-O2 '.As compared to `-O ',this option increases both compilation time and the performance of the generated code.
   `-O2' turns on all optimization flags specified by `-O'. It also turns on the following optimization flags:
    Please note the warning under `-fgcse' about invoking `-O2' on programs that use computed gotos. 
    Optimize yet more.`-O3 ' turns on all optimizations specified by `-O2' and also turns on the `-finline-functions ',`-funswitch-loops' and `-fgcse-after-reload' options. 
   再一次的优化,-O3选项会添加所有-O2中添加的选项,并且添加`-finline-functions ',`-funswitch-loops' and `-fgcse-after-reload' 这三个选项
    Do not optimize.This is the default.
Level 2.5 (-Os)
The special optimization level (-Os or size) enables all -O2 optimizations that do not increase code size; it puts the emphasis on size over speed. This includes all second-level optimizations, except for the alignment optimizations. The alignment optimizations skip space to align functions, loops, jumps and labels to an address that is a multiple of a power of two, in an architecture-dependent manner. Skipping to these boundaries can increase performance as well as the size of the resulting code and data spaces; therefore, these particular optimizations are disabled. The size optimization level is enabled as:





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