declare @t table(name varchar(),type int)
insert into @t
select 'a',
union all select 'b',
union all select 'fb',
union all select 'fbf',
union all select 'fdfs', if object_id('test1') is not null
drop table test1
create table test1(
name varchar(),
type int)
insert into test1
select 'a',
union all select 'b',
union all select 'fb',
union all select 'fbf',
union all select 'fdfs', select * from test1 create function ss()
returns varchar()
declare @sql varchar()
set @sql=''
select @sql=@sql+','+ name from test1
set @sql=stuff(@sql,,,' ')
return @sql
end select,count_0=(select count() from test1 where type=),
count_1=(select count() from test1 where type=),
count_2=(select count() from test1 where type=)
name count_0 count_1 count_2
a,b,fb,fbf,fdfs 2 2 1 */


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