过程数据对象用于在节点之间传送过程数据,如I/O模块I/O状态读取和设定,模拟量采集和模拟量输出等等,协议考虑从机硬件限制最多支持4组PDO,每组包含一个RPDO和一个TPDO。The Gold drive supports 4 TPDO and 4 RPDO. Each PDO contains up to 8 bytes of data.




PDO Mapping

  PDO只是个载体,它好比一辆货车,车厢里装什么货,是可以配置的,这些由PDO映射来完成。PDO映射用来指定把对象字典的那些对象装进PDO,或者从接收的PDO中将数据放到那些对象中。PDO mapping is a convention that maps an object from the object dictionary (data payload) to a PDO. Once mapped, the PDO can carry the assigned data items without explicit reference to the object dictionary, thereby saving on communication and CPU overhead. Some of the objects in the object dictionary can be mapped to a PDO, which can either receive or transmit. The mapping of an RPDO enables reception of commands and variables — for example, efficient transmission of high-speed online motion commands to the drive — whereas the mapping of a TPDO enables the drive to send a predefined message in response to an event such as end of motion.

  An RPDO is buffered upon reception; it is sent for interpretation immediately (when defined as asynchronous) or upon receipt of the next SYNC signal (when defined as synchronous). 即当RPDO设为异步时(transmission type=254/255),节点接收到后会立刻处理,不用等待同步信号。

  Objects 0x1A00 – 0x1A03 contain the objects mapped to TPDOs. Objects 0x1600 – 0x1603 contain the objects mapped to RPDOs. The data type of PDO mapping is described in object 0x21. 由下表可知,对子索引0对应要映射对象的数目,子索引1~8分别对应要映射的对象。

Transmission Type  


  1) 同步触发。同步触发PDO是指CANopen节点收到由管理节点发出的同步报文(同步对象SYNC)之后,根据触发报文条件向总线发出PDO报文。同步传输又分为周期性和非周期性,周期性是指CANopen节点接收到一定数量的同步报文之后才开始发送;非周期性PDO是指PDO触发条件成立之后,当收到下一个同步对象后马上发送PDO。同步传输在实际应用中的优势很多,它能提供一致的系统节拍,使得总线的数据尽量保证同步。同步传输的最重要应用是多轴同步控制,沒有这种同步机制,多轴传动功能是沒有办法实现的。

2) 内部事件驱动或内部定时器触发。通讯由某一事件触发。例如数字I/O口状态改变,超过预先设定的值、定时器中断等都会触发节点发送一个PDO。这种模式可使总线负载达到最小,在相对低的波特率下获得比较高的通讯特性。内部定时发送有别于SYNC同步触发,它是在本节点上实现周期发送,通过设置PDO参数,确定一个周期,每隔固定的时间向网络上发送一次PDO,它与SYNC无关。在网络设计中主要按照传感器的数据采集速度和数据更新要求来设定定时周期.

3) 远程请求触发。PDO消费者可以给PDO生产者发送远程PDO请求,相应PDO生产者将对远程帧做出响应,向总线上发送相应的PDO数据。


  If the RPDO transmission type is 1, the received message is buffered but actually transmitted for execution at the next SYNC message. With TPDOs, the message is transmitted according to transmission type value, which can range from 1 to 240, where 1 indicates on each single SYNC, 2 means every second SYNC message,and so on.

Communication Parameter

  每个PDO在对象字典中由两个对象描述:通信参数和映射参数。PDO通信参数指明使用哪个COB-ID、传输类型、禁用时间和定时时间;PDO 映射参数用于设定PDO报文中的数据的映射关系,确定要传输的数据在 CAN 报文数据域中的定位。

  一个PDO可以指定一个禁止时间,即定义两个连续PDO传输的最小间隔时间,避免由于高优先级信息的数据量太大,始终占据总线,而使其它优先级较低的数据无力竞争总线的问题。禁止时间由16 位无符号整数定义,单位为100us。If sub index 3 is set to 0, then the minimum time interval to transmit TPDO is disabled.

  一个 PDO可以指定一个事件定时周期,当超过定时时间后,一个PDO传输可以被触发。事件定时周期由16位无符号整数定义,单位为1ms。When a TPDO transmission type is 254 or 255, an event timer defined by sub index 5 can be used. The timer defines the maximum interval for TPDO transmission. The event occurs when the time is elapsed. The event timer resolution is 1ms. The event causes the transmission of this TPDO in addition to other asynchronous events. The occurrence of an event sets the timer again. A value of 0 disables this function.

 在开始PDO传输前要先配置好PDO通信参数,在0x20处描述了其格式。Transmit PDO communication parameter:Objects 0x1800 - 0x1803;Receive PDO communication parameter:Objects 0x1400 - 0x1403


  PDO 映射事例:将下表中3个对象映射到PDO1-Transmit, 为异步周期性类型,周期时间 10ms,禁止时间 2ms

  1)① Clear mapping TPDO1(To change the PDO mapping, sub-index 0 must be set to 0 (mapping is deactivated). Only then can the objects be remapped)

  number_of_mapped_objects(1A00 h: 00 h) = 0
       ② Disable TPDO1
       为了设置通信参数,必须要先将通信参数对象子地址1h的第31位置1,即要先使TPDO1失效才能配置其通信参数,否则会产生错误。It is not allowed to change bit 0 to 30 while the PDO exists and is valid (bit 31 = 0b). In this case, when attempting to change the values from bit 0 to bit 30, the devise responds with the SDO abort transfer service. 发送如下指令使TPDO1失效:

  2)设置映射对象参数(Modify mapping by changing the values of the corresponding sub-indices.)
  Index = 6041h  Subindex = 00h  Length = 10h ⇒ 1st_mapped_object(1A00 h: 01 h) = 60410010 h
  Index = 6061h  Subindex = 00h  Length = 08h ⇒ 2st_mapped_object(1A00 h: 02 h) = 60610008 h
  Index = 6064h  Subindex = 00h  Length = 20h ⇒ 3st_mapped_object(1A00 h: 03 h) = 60640020 h

  注意:The sub-indexes from 1 to number of entries contain the information about the mapped application variables. These entries describe the PDO contents by their index, sub-index and length. 即设置映射对象参数时要按照如下所示的格式(映射对象地址+对象子地址+映射数据的长度,按小端模式发送)


  3)设置 number_of_mapped_objects(Enable mapping by setting sub-index 0 to the number of mapped objects.)
  number_of_mapped_objects(1A00 h: 00 h) = 3

  注意:When sub-index 0 is set to a value greater than 0, the device may validate the new PDO mapping before transmitting the response of the SDO service. If an error is detected, the Elmo drive transmits the Abort SDO Transfer Service with abort codes.

  4)设置 PDO 通讯参数
  PDO1-Transmit为异步周期性类型 ⇒ transmission_type (1800 h: 02 h)= FF h (TPDO1传输类型默认值为0xFF,即默认异步传输)
  禁止时间 2ms(20×100us) ⇒ inhibit_time (1800 h: 03 h) = 14 h
  周期时间 10ms(10×1ms) ⇒ event_time (1800 h: 05 h) = 0A h
  设置COB-ID(PDO1-Transmit) ⇒ COB-ID (1800 h: 01 h) = 0181 h


  The bit valid (bit 31) enables TPDOs. There may be TPDOs configured but not used, and therefore set to not valid.

  则发送如下指令来Enable TPDO1:

  5)PDO 映射完成(Finally, the PDO is created by writing to its communication parameter COB-ID.)


  PDO 映射事例:将Controlword对象0x6040和Interpolated data record对象0x60C1:1h映射到RPDO1,传输类型为同步类型

  1) Disable RPDO1(COB-ID 0x201),client sends:

    0x601  0x22 0x00 0x14 0x01 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x80

    Clear mapping RPDO1,client sends:

    0x601  0x22 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

  2) Set CW, object 0x6040, 16 bit length in sub index 1 of RPDO1

    0x601  0x22 0x00 0x16 0x01 0x10 0x00 0x40 0x60

    Set Interpolated data record, object 0x60C1, Sub index 1, 32 bit length in sub index 2 of RPDO1

    0x601  0x22 0x00 0x16 0x02 0x20 0x01 0xC1 0x60

  3) Set transmission type synchronous, every SYNC (RPDO默认传输类型值为255,即默认异步传输)

    0x601  0x22 0x00 0x14 0x02 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00

  4)Set 2 objects are mapped

    0x601  0x22 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00

    Enalbe RPDO1

    0x601  0x22 0x00 0x14 0x01 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x00

  • SYNC

  SYNC主节点定时发送 SYNC 对象,SYNC从节点收到后同步执行任务。SYNC报文的COB-ID固定为080h,SYNC报文可以不传送数据以使报文尽可能短(注意:数据帧的数据段可以发送0~8个字节的数据,控制段表示数据段的字节数。而SDO报文数据段长度始终为8字节,不够的要补0)





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