Sina, China’s answer to Twitter, enters the mobile messaging battle with its own app


Sina, China’s equivalent to Twitter, has jumped on the mobile messaging bandwagon after it began promoting its new app WeMeet, known as ‘Weimi’ in Chinese.


WeMeet has actually been around since April and is developed by 20-person Hangzhou Kuyue Technology, a team incubated within Sina, according to Marbridge. Nonetheless the official ‘launch’ is significant since it follows Sina CEO Charles Chao revealing imminent plans to launch a social app to compete with the mobile apps that he previously admitted are causing Weibo users to spend less time on the service.


Weibo has over 500 million registered users, more than 50 million of which are active each day, but it is under pressure from WeChat, the mobile messaging app developed by Chinese Internet giant Tencent, which has 235 million monthly active users across China and overseas.


The WeMeet app links up to Weibo, as you’d expect, and has a particular focus on group chat. It supports all the standard messaging types and lets users import contacts from Weibo as well as the address book on their device. Interestingly, it has Snapchat-style self-destructing messages, RSS feed support and numerous public interest groups where users can voice their opinions.

正如你所想,微米和微博是直接连通的,而且微米更加专注于群聊。它支持所有标准的信息类型,而且可以允许用户直接从微博或手机设备上导入通讯录。有趣的是,它支持Snapchat风格的阅后即焚,RSS feed和数目总多的公共兴趣小组,用户可以发表自己的意见。

Chao will hope WeMeet steels up Sina’s social push in the face of increasing competition, but the truth is that it is very late to the game. China Telecom even beat Sina to the punch, launching its own app last week, while WeChat is beginning to strike partnerships with operators — all of which means promoting the app via Weibo alone is unlikely to turn WeMeet into a serious rival, Sina will need a real growth strategy and probably some luck too.


First spotted by Technode, WeMeet is in Chinese only, however it is available worldwide for iOS and Android which suggests that further language support could come later.

First spotted by Technode称,微米只支持中文,但是它在全世界的IOS和Android上都可以使用,这表明在未来不久可能会有更多的语言支持。

incubate:vt. 孵, 培养, 使发展

原文: TheNextWeb

翻译: shuangde


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