

git clone ~/peda

echo "source ~/peda/" >> ~/.gdbinit

  • Enhance the display of gdb: colorize and display disassembly codes, registers, memory information during debugging.
  • Add commands to support debugging and exploit development (for a full list of commands use peda help):
    • aslr -- Show/set ASLR setting of GDB
    • checksec -- Check for various security options of binary
    • dumpargs -- Display arguments passed to a function when stopped at a call instruction
    • dumprop -- Dump all ROP gadgets in specific memory range
    • elfheader -- Get headers information from debugged ELF file
    • elfsymbol -- Get non-debugging symbol information from an ELF file
    • lookup -- Search for all addresses/references to addresses which belong to a memory range
    • patch -- Patch memory start at an address with string/hexstring/int
    • pattern -- Generate, search, or write a cyclic pattern to memory
    • procinfo -- Display various info from /proc/pid/
    • pshow -- Show various PEDA options and other settings
    • pset -- Set various PEDA options and other settings
    • readelf -- Get headers information from an ELF file
    • ropgadget -- Get common ROP gadgets of binary or library
    • ropsearch -- Search for ROP gadgets in memory
    • searchmem|find -- Search for a pattern in memory; support regex search //查找用,例如 searchmem "/bin/sh" libc
    • shellcode -- Generate or download common shellcodes.
    • skeleton -- Generate python exploit code template
    • vmmap -- Get virtual mapping address ranges of section(s) in debugged process  //可以用来查看栈、bss段是否可以执行
    • xormem -- XOR a memory region with a key


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  2. mariadb
  3. 日常工作中的点滴:C# 根据字节长度截包含中文的字符串
  4. jQuery的maskedinput插件 设置input掩码
  5. Spring AOP 实现原理
  6. Linux-ubuntu
  7. Extjs 3.4 生成button,并調用相同的window
  8. VB.NET与C# 语法show差异
  9. IIS错误解决办法(HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error)
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  11. 跨域资源共享(CORS)
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  13. VC中编译报错:error C2011: 'fd_set' : 'struct' type redefinition
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  6. bootstrap-switch与angularjs结合使用
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