# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
#python 27
#xiaodeng >>> help(base64) #用来作base64编码解码
•b16decode(s, casefold=False)
Decode a Base16 encoded string.

      print decode_string#xiaodeng

Encode a string using Base16.

      print string#7869616F64656E67

        s is the string to encode.  The encoded string is returned.

    •b32decode(s, casefold=False, map01=None)
Decode a Base32 encoded string.

      #print decode_string#xiaodeng

Encode a string using Base32.


        s is the string to encode.  The encoded string is returned.

    •b64decode(s, altchars=None)
Decode a Base64 encoded string.


        s is the string to decode.  Optional altchars must be a string of at least
length 2 (additional characters are ignored) which specifies the
alternative alphabet used instead of the '+' and '/' characters. The decoded string is returned. A TypeError is raised if s were
incorrectly padded or if there are non-alphabet characters present in the
string. •b64encode(s, altchars=None)
Encode a string using Base64.


        s is the string to encode.  Optional altchars must be a string of at least
length 2 (additional characters are ignored) which specifies an
alternative alphabet for the '+' and '/' characters. This allows an
application to e.g. generate url or filesystem safe Base64 strings. The encoded string is returned.
  •decode(input, output) 
     Decode a file.#解码一个文件

   •encode(input, output)
      Encode a file.#编码一个文件

Decode a string.

      #>>> base64.decodestring('xiaodeng')


      #>>> base64.encodestring('\xc6&\xa8u\xe9\xe0')

Decode a string encoded with the standard Base64 alphabet. s is the string to decode. The decoded string is returned. A TypeError
is raised if the string is incorrectly padded or if there are non-alphabet
characters present in the string. standard_b64encode(s)
Encode a string using the standard Base64 alphabet. s is the string to encode. The encoded string is returned. urlsafe_b64decode(s)
Decode a string encoded with the standard Base64 alphabet. s is the string to decode. The decoded string is returned. A TypeError
is raised if the string is incorrectly padded or if there are non-alphabet
characters present in the string. The alphabet uses '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'. urlsafe_b64encode(s)
Encode a string using a url-safe Base64 alphabet. s is the string to encode. The encoded string is returned. The alphabet
uses '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'.


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