Fading Like a Flower

In a time where the sun descends alone 伴着落日孤独的脚步
I ran a long long way from home 我开始了一段漫长的追寻
To find a heart that's made of stone 去寻找如石头般冰冷的心
I will try, I just need a little time 我会去尝试,但需要一点点时间
To get your face right out of my mind 将你从记忆中完全抹去
To see the world through different eyes 以不同的眼光来看待世界
Every time I see you oh I try to hide away 每次望见你,我都试图逃避
But when we meet it seems I can't let go 但当我们相遇,我似乎又难以舍弃
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower 每次你离**间 我都觉得自己正如花儿一样凋零
Tell me why 告诉我为什么
When I scream there's no reply 我大声呼喊却得不到回应
When I reach out there's nothing to find 我伸手去抓却一无所获
When I sleep I break down and cry Cry,Yeah 我躺下入睡却失声痛哭
Every time I see you oh I try to hide away 每次望见你,我都试图逃避
But when we meet it seems I can't let go 但当我们相遇,我似乎又难以舍弃
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower 每次你离**间我都觉得自己正如花儿一样凋零
Fading like a rose 如玫瑰花一样凋零
Fading like a rose 如玫瑰花一样凋零
Beaten by the storm 犹如遭受暴风雨侵袭的玫瑰花
I Talking to myself 我告诉自己
Getting washed by the rain 就让风雨降临吧
It's such a cold cold town 这是一个冰冷的世界
Oh, it's a such cold town 如此冰冷的世界
Every time I see you oh I try to hide away 每次望见你,我都试图逃避
But when we meet it seems I can't let go 但当我们相遇,我似乎又难以舍弃
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower 每次你离**间我都觉得自己正如花儿一样凋零
Every time I see you oh I try to hide away 每次望见你,我都试图逃避
But when we meet it seems I can't let go 但当我们相遇,我似乎又难以舍弃
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower 每次你离**间我都觉得自己正如花儿一样凋零
Every time I see you oh I try to hide away 每次望见你,我都试图逃避
But when we meet it seems I can't let go 但当我们相遇,我似乎又难以舍弃
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower 每次你离**间我都觉得自己正如花儿一样凋零


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