Sencha removed the refreshFn from the pullrefresh plugin in ST 2.2. Here is an user extension with gives the old
functionality back to you.

* This user extension gives st 2.3.0 Pullrefresh the RefreshFn back
* based on sencha touch 2.3.0
* @class Ext.ux.touch.PullRefreshFn
* @version 2.0.1-beta
* @author Martin Hess <>
* ## Example
* Ext.create('Ext.dataview.List', {
* fullscreen: true,
* store: store,
* plugins: [
* {
* xclass: 'Ext.ux.touch.PullRefreshFn',
* pullRefreshText: 'Pull down for more new Tweets!'
* refreshFn: function() {
* Ext.getStore('ENTER YOUR STORE HERE').load('',1)
* }
* }
* ],
* itemTpl: [
* ]
* });
Ext.define('myapp.model.PullRefreshFn', {
extend: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
alias: 'plugin.pullrefreshfn',
requires: ['Ext.DateExtras'],
xtype:'refreshFn', config: {
* @cfg {Function} refreshFn The function that will be called to refresh the list.
* If this is not defined, the store's load function will be called.
* The refresh function gets called with a reference to this plugin instance.
* @accessor
refreshFn: null,
pullText: '下拉能够更新',
lastUpdatedDateFormat:"Y-m-d H:i",
}, fetchLatest: function() {
if (this.getRefreshFn()) {
this.getRefreshFn().call(this, this);
this.fireEvent('latestfetched', this, 'refreshFn, you have to handle toInsert youself');
if (this.getAutoSnapBack()) {
} else {
var store = this.getList().getStore(),
proxy = store.getProxy(),
operation; operation = Ext.create('', {
page: 1,
start: 0,
model: store.getModel(),
limit: store.getPageSize(),
action: 'read',
sorters: store.getSorters(),
filters: store.getRemoteFilter() ? store.getFilters() : []
});, this.onLatestFetched, this);
}, /**
* Snaps the List back to the top after a pullrefresh is complete
* @param {Boolean=} force Force the snapback to occur regardless of state {optional}
snapBack: function(force) {
if(this.getState() !== "loaded" && force !== true) return; var that = this,
list = this.getList(),
scroller = list.getScrollable().getScroller(),
currentY = scroller.minPosition.y; scroller.refresh();
scroller.minPosition.y = 0; scroller.on({
scrollend: this.onSnapBackEnd,
single: true,
scope: this
}); this.setIsSnappingBack(true); scroller.getTranslatable().translateAnimated(0, currentY, {duration: this.getSnappingAnimationDuration()});
function () {
); }


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