

  1. 节点上的详情icon可以点击,点击展开关闭详情
  2. 节点后的伸缩icon在伸缩状态下需要显示当前节点的子节点个数




<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
} html, body {
background-color: #f0f2f5;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
<div id="mountNode"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const CANVAS_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
const CANVAS_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight; // 使用G6的TreeGraph
graph = new G6.TreeGraph({
container: "mountNode", width: CANVAS_WIDTH,
defaultNode: {
shape: "rect",
defaultEdge: {
shape: "cubic-horizontal",
style: {
stroke: "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)"
layout: (data) => {
return Hierarchy.compactBox(data, {
direction: "LR",
getId: function getId(d) {
getWidth: function getWidth() {
return 243;
getVGap: function getVGap() {
return 24;
getHGap: function getHGap() {
return 50;
}); function formatData(data) {
const recursiveTraverse = function recursiveTraverse(node, level) {
const targetNode = {
id: node.itemId + '',
level: level,
type: node.value,
value: node.content,
collapsed: level > 0,
showDetail: false,
origin: node,
if (node.children) {
targetNode.children = [];
node.children.forEach(function (item) {
targetNode.children.push(recursiveTraverse(item, level + 1));
return targetNode;
return recursiveTraverse(data, 0);
} // 获取数据,渲染图表
$.getJSON('', function (data) {
data = formatData(data);;


const getNodeConfig = function getNodeConfig(node) {
let config = {
basicColor: "#722ED1",
fontColor: "rgb(51, 51, 51)",
bgColor: "#ffffff"
// 请无视这种中文的判断,这里获取的数据为中文,就不做额外处理,直接拿来判断了
switch (node.type) {
case "标签": {
config = {
basicColor: 'rgba(61, 77, 102, 1)',
fontColor: "rgb(51, 51, 51)",
bgColor: "#ffffff"
case "分类": {
config = {
basicColor: 'rgba(159, 230, 184, 1)',
fontColor: "rgb(51, 51, 51)",
bgColor: "#ffffff"
case "业务问题":
config = {
basicColor: "rgba(45, 183, 245, 1)",
fontColor: "rgb(51, 51, 51)",
bgColor: "#ffffff"
return config;
}; const nodeBasicMethod = {
createNodeBox: function createNodeBox(group, config, width, height, isRoot) {
// 最外面的大矩形,作为节点元素的容器
const container = group.addShape("rect", {
attrs: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: width,
height: height,
className: 'node-container',
if (!isRoot) {
// 不是跟节点,创建左边的小圆点
group.addShape("circle", {
attrs: {
x: 3,
y: height / 2,
r: 6,
fill: config.basicColor
className: 'node-left-circle',
// 节点标题的矩形
group.addShape("rect", {
attrs: {
x: 3,
y: 0,
width: width - 19,
height: height,
fill: config.bgColor,
radius: 2,
cursor: "pointer"
className: 'node-main-container',
}); // 节点标题左边的粗线
group.addShape("rect", {
attrs: {
x: 3,
y: 0,
width: 3,
height: height,
fill: config.basicColor,
className: 'node-left-line',
return container;
createDetailIcon: function createDetailIcon(group) {
// icon外面的矩形,用来计算icon的宽度
const iconRect = group.addShape("rect", {
attrs: {
fill: "#FFF",
radius: 2,
cursor: "pointer"
x: 154,
y: 6,
width: 24,
height: 24
// 设置icon的图片
group.addShape("image", {
attrs: {
x: 154,
y: 6,
height: 24,
width: 24,
img: "",
cursor: "pointer",
opacity: 1
className: "node-detail-icon"
// 放一个透明的矩形在 icon 区域上,方便监听点击
group.addShape("rect", {
attrs: {
x: 160,
y: 12,
width: 12,
height: 12,
fill: "#FFF",
cursor: "pointer",
opacity: 0
className: "node-detail-box",
return iconRect.getBBox().width;
createNodeName: (group, config) => {
group.addShape("text", {
attrs: {
// 根据 icon 的宽度计算出剩下的留给 name 的长度
text: "node title",
x: 18,
y: 18,
fontSize: 13,
fontWeight: 400,
textAlign: "left",
textBaseline: "middle",
fill: config.fontColor,
cursor: "pointer"
className: 'node-name-text',
createNodeDetail: function createNodeDetail(group, config) {
// 节点的类别说明,即 # 业务问题
group.addShape('text', {
attrs: {
text: '',
x: 18,
y: 45,
fontSize: 10,
lineHeight: 16,
textAlign: "left",
textBaseline: "middle",
fill: config.basicColor,
cursor: "pointer",
className: 'node-detail-info'
// 节点的详情
group.addShape("text", {
attrs: {
text: '',
x: 18,
y: 45,
fontSize: 11,
lineHeight: 16,
textAlign: "left",
textBaseline: "middle",
fill: 'rgb(51, 51, 51)',
cursor: "pointer",
className: "node-detail-text",
// 节点的 查看详情 按钮
group.addShape('text', {
attrs: {
text: '',
x: 18,
y: 61,
fontSize: 11,
lineHeight: 16,
textAlign: "left",
textBaseline: "middle",
fill: config.basicColor,
cursor: "pointer",
className: "node-detail-link",
// 节点的 反馈问题 按钮
group.addShape('text', {
attrs: {
text: '',
x: 99,
y: 61,
fontSize: 11,
lineHeight: 16,
textAlign: "left",
textBaseline: "middle",
fill: config.basicColor,
cursor: "pointer",
className: "node-detail-feedback",
createNodeMarker: function createNodeMarker(group, collapsed, x, y, childrenNum) {
// 伸缩按钮的圆形背景
group.addShape("circle", {
attrs: {
x: x,
y: y,
r: 13,
fill: "rgba(47, 84, 235, 0.05)",
opacity: 0,
zIndex: -2
className: "collapse-icon-bg"
// 伸缩按钮的 节点数量 文字
group.addShape("text", {
attrs: {
x: x,
y: y + (7 / 2),
text: collapsed ? childrenNum : '-',
textAlign: "center",
fontSize: 10,
lineHeight: 7,
stroke: "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",
fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
opacity: 1,
cursor: "pointer"
className: "collapse-icon-num"
// 伸缩按钮的圆形边框
group.addShape("circle", {
attrs: {
x: x,
y: y,
r: 7,
stroke: "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",
fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
opacity: 1,
cursor: "pointer"
className: "collapse-icon"
}; const TREE_NODE = "tree-node";
G6.registerNode(TREE_NODE, {
drawShape: function drawShape(cfg, group) {
// 获取节点的颜色配置
const config = getNodeConfig(cfg);
const isRoot = cfg.type === "标签";
// 最外面的大矩形
// 这里的宽度为写死的宽度,全部节点的宽度统一,高度为data在处理时赋予的高度
const container = nodeBasicMethod.createNodeBox(group, config, NODE_WIDTH, cfg.nodeHeight, isRoot);
// 创建节点详情展开关闭的icon
// 创建节点标题
nodeBasicMethod.createNodeName(group, config);
// 创建节点详情
nodeBasicMethod.createNodeDetail(group, config); const childrenNum = (cfg.children || []).length;
if (childrenNum > 0) {
// 创建节点的伸缩icon
nodeBasicMethod.createNodeMarker(group, cfg.collapsed, 191, 18, childrenNum);
} return container;
}, "single-shape"); defaultNode: {
// 在G6的初始化中将节点改为使用自定义的节点
shape: TREE_NODE,



defaultNode: {
shape: TREE_NODE,
// 全局设置节点的锚点控制点,分别在左侧中间和右侧中间
anchorPoints: [[0, 0.5], [1, 0.5]]





// 由于节点的文本不会换行,根据节点的宽度切分节点详情文本到数组中,然后进行换行
const fittingStringLine = function fittingStringLine(str, maxWidth, fontSize) {
str = str.replace(/\n/gi, '');
const fontWidth = fontSize * 1.3; //字号+边距 const actualLen = Math.floor(maxWidth / fontWidth);
let width = strLen(str) * fontWidth;
let lineStr = [];
while (width > 0) {
const substr = str.substring(0, actualLen);
lineStr.push(substr); str = str.substring(actualLen);
width = strLen(str) * fontWidth;
return lineStr;
}; const strLen = function strLen(str) {
let len = 0;
if(!str) {
return len;
} for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str.charCodeAt(i) > 0 && str.charCodeAt(i) < 128) {
} else {
len += 2;
return len;
}; const nodeBasicMethod = { afterDraw: function afterDraw(cfg, group) {
// 伸缩icon的背景色交互
const collapseIcon = group.findByClassName("collapse-icon");
if (collapseIcon) {
const bg = group.findByClassName("collapse-icon-bg");
// 监听事件
collapseIcon.on("mouseenter", function () {
bg.attr("opacity", 1);
collapseIcon.on("mouseleave", function () {
bg.attr("opacity", 0);
} // 下拉展示与隐藏节点详情
const nodeDetailBox = group.findByClassName("node-detail-box");
nodeDetailBox.on("click", function () {
nodeBasicMethod.handleDetail(cfg, group);
handleDetail: function handleDetail(cfg, group) {
const circle = group.findByClassName('node-left-circle');
const mainContainer = group.findByClassName('node-main-container');
const nodeLeftLine = group.findByClassName('node-left-line');
const rightCircleBg = group.findByClassName('collapse-icon-bg');
const rightCircleIconNum = group.findByClassName('collapse-icon-num');
const rightCircleIcon = group.findByClassName('collapse-icon'); const nodeDetailText = group.findByClassName('node-detail-text');
const nodeDetailInfo = group.findByClassName('node-detail-info');
const nodeDetailLink = group.findByClassName('node-detail-link');
const nodeDetailFeedback = group.findByClassName('node-detail-feedback'); // 查找节点在树上的下方节点
const node = graph.findById(;
const nodes = graph.findAll('node', item => {
const model = item.getModel();
return model.level === node.getModel().level;
const leftNodes = nodes.slice(nodes.indexOf(node) + 1); let nodeHeight;
if (cfg.showDetail) {
// 详情已经展开,开始关闭详情
nodeHeight = NODE_HEIGHT; // 关闭详情
nodeDetailText.attr('text', '');
nodeDetailInfo.attr('text', '');
nodeDetailLink.attr('text', '');
nodeDetailFeedback.attr('text', ''); // 下方节点上移
leftNodes.forEach((leftNode) => {
leftNode.getModel().y = leftNode.getBBox().y - 80;
graph.updateItem(leftNode, {
y: leftNode.getBBox().y - cfg.nodeHeight + NODE_HEIGHT,
}); cfg.showDetail = false;
} else {
// 详情未展开,开始展开详情 // 展示详情
const detailText = fittingStringLine(cfg.value, 198, 12);
nodeDetailText.attr('text', detailText.join('\n'));
nodeDetailText.attr('y', 45 + 16 + (detailText.length) * 8); nodeDetailInfo.attr('text', `# ${cfg.type}`);
nodeDetailLink.attr('text', '查看详情');
nodeDetailLink.attr('y', 45 + 16 + (detailText.length) * 16 + 16);
nodeDetailFeedback.attr('text', '反馈问题');
nodeDetailFeedback.attr('y', 45 + 16 + (detailText.length) * 16 + 16); nodeHeight = 45 + 16 + (detailText.length + 1) * 16 + 16; // 下方的节点下移
leftNodes.forEach((leftNode) => {
leftNode.getModel().y = leftNode.getBBox().y + 80;
graph.updateItem(leftNode, {
y: leftNode.getBBox().y + nodeHeight - cfg.nodeHeight,
}); cfg.showDetail = true;
cfg.nodeHeight = nodeHeight; // 调节节点元素高度
circle.attr('y', nodeHeight / 2);
mainContainer.attr('height', nodeHeight);
nodeLeftLine.attr('height', nodeHeight);
if (rightCircleBg && rightCircleIconNum && rightCircleIcon) {
rightCircleBg.attr('y', nodeHeight / 2);
// 计算伸缩icon的位置,G6在这里有个坑,canvas模式下的文本位置会产生偏差
rightCircleIconNum.attr('y', nodeHeight / 2 + 5 + (nodeHeight - NODE_HEIGHT) * 0.1);
rightCircleIcon.attr('y', nodeHeight / 2);
} // 更新当前节点的高度
graph.updateItem(node, Object.assign(cfg, {
style: {
height: nodeHeight,
G6.registerNode(TREE_NODE, {
drawShape: function drawShape(cfg, group) {},
// 设置监听
afterDraw: nodeBasicMethod.afterDraw,
}, "single-shape");



graph = new G6.TreeGraph({
container: "mountNode", width: CANVAS_WIDTH,
defaultNode: {},
defaultEdge: {},
modes: {
default: [{
type: "collapse-expand",
// 判断是否开始伸缩
shouldBegin: function shouldBegin(e) {
console.log('shouldBegin',"className") === "collapse-icon");
// 点击 node 禁止展开收缩,只有在点击到的是伸缩icon的时候才允许伸缩
return"className") === "collapse-icon";
// 伸缩状态发生改变
onChange: function onChange(item, collapsed) {
const icon = item.get("group").findByClassName("collapse-icon-num");
icon.attr("text", collapsed ? item.getModel().children.length : '-'); // 关闭全部的详情
const detailNodeList = graph.findAll('node', node => {
return node.getModel().showDetail;
detailNodeList.forEach(detailNode => {
const group = detailNode.get('group');
const cfg = detailNode.getModel(); nodeBasicMethod.handleDetail(cfg, group);
layout: (data) => {}




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