
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 9289    Accepted Submission(s): 3019

Problem Description
  You, a part-time dining service worker in your college’s dining hall, are now confused with a new problem: serve as many people as possible.
  The issue comes up as people in your college are more and more difficult to serve with meal: They eat only some certain kinds of food and drink, and with requirement unsatisfied, go away directly.
  You have prepared F (1 <= F <= 200) kinds of food and D (1 <= D <= 200) kinds of drink. Each kind of food or drink has certain amount, that is, how many people could this food or drink serve. Besides, You know there’re N (1 <= N <= 200) people and you too can tell people’s personal preference for food and drink.
  Back to your goal: to serve as many people as possible. So you must decide a plan where some people are served while requirements of the rest of them are unmet. You should notice that, when one’s requirement is unmet, he/she would just go away, refusing any service.
  There are several test cases.
  For each test case, the first line contains three numbers: N,F,D, denoting the number of people, food, and drink.
  The second line contains F integers, the ith number of which denotes amount of representative food.
  The third line contains D integers, the ith number of which denotes amount of representative drink.
  Following is N line, each consisting of a string of length F. e jth character in the ith one of these lines denotes whether people i would accept food j. “Y” for yes and “N” for no.
  Following is N line, each consisting of a string of length D. e jth character in the ith one of these lines denotes whether people i would accept drink j. “Y” for yes and “N” for no.
  Please process until EOF (End Of File).
  For each test case, please print a single line with one integer, the maximum number of people to be satisfied.
Sample Input
4 3 3
1 1 1
1 1 1
Sample Output
结点0 ~ n - 1存左牛结点
结点n ~ 2 * n - 1存右牛结点
结点2 * n ~ 2 * n + f - 1存左食物
结点2 * n + f ~ 2 * n + f * 2 - 1存右食物
结点2 * n + 2 * f ~ 2 * n + 2 * f + d - 1存饮料左
结点2 * n + 2 * f + d ~ 2 * n + 2 * f + d * 2 - 1存饮料右
结点2 * n + 2 * f + 2 * d为s,t = s = 1。
*/ #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; const int maxn = + , maxm = * + , inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
int numf[maxn], numd[maxn];
char str[maxn]; int tot, head[maxn << ], que[maxn << ], dep[maxn << ], cur[maxn << ], sta[maxn << ]; struct Edge {
int to, cap, flow, next, from;
} edge[maxm << ]; void init() {
tot = ;
memset(head, -, sizeof head);
} void addedge(int u, int v, int w) {
edge[tot].to = v; edge[tot].cap = w; edge[tot].flow = ; edge[tot].from = u;
edge[tot].next = head[u]; head[u] = tot ++;
edge[tot].to = u; edge[tot].cap = ; edge[tot].flow = ; edge[tot].from = v;
edge[tot].next = head[v]; head[v] = tot ++;
} bool bfs(int s, int t, int n) {
memset(dep, -, sizeof dep[] * (n + ));
int front = , tail = ;
dep[s] = ;
que[tail ++] = s;
while(front < tail) {
int u = que[front ++];
for(int i = head[u]; ~i; i = edge[i].next) {
int v = edge[i].to;
if(edge[i].cap > edge[i].flow && dep[v] == -) {
dep[v] = dep[u] + ;
if(v == t) return true;
que[tail ++] = v;
return false;
} int dinic(int s, int t, int n) {
int maxflow = ;
while(bfs(s, t, n)) {
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) cur[i] = head[i];
int u = s, tail = ;
while(~cur[s]) {
if(u == t) {
int tp = inf;
for(int i = tail - ; i >= ; i --)
tp = min(tp, edge[sta[i]].cap - edge[sta[i]].flow);
maxflow += tp;
for(int i = tail - ; i >= ; i --) {
edge[sta[i]].flow += tp;
edge[sta[i] ^ ].flow -= tp;
if(edge[sta[i]].cap - edge[sta[i]].flow == ) tail = i;
u = edge[sta[tail] ^ ].to;
} else if(~ cur[u] && edge[cur[u]].cap > edge[cur[u]].flow && dep[u] + == dep[edge[cur[u]].to]) {
sta[tail ++] = cur[u];
u = edge[cur[u]].to;
} else {
while(u != s && cur[u] == -)
u = edge[sta[-- tail] ^ ].to;
cur[u] = edge[cur[u]].next;
return maxflow;
} int main() {
int n, f, d;
while(~scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &f, &d)) {
int s = * n + * f + d * , t = s + ;//超级源点和超级汇点
for(int i = ; i < f; i ++) {
scanf("%d", &numf[i]);
addedge(s, * n + i, inf);//超级源点到食物左
addedge( * n + i, * n + f + i, numf[i]);//食物左到食物右
for(int i = ; i < d; i ++) {
scanf("%d", &numd[i]);
addedge( * n + * f + i, * n + * f + d + i, numd[i]);//饮料左到饮料右
addedge( * n + * f + d + i, t, inf);//饮料右到超级汇点
for(int i = ; i < n; i ++) {
addedge(i, n + i, );//左牛到右牛
for(int i = ; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%s", str);
for(int j = ; j < f; j ++) {
if(str[j] == 'Y')
addedge( * n + f + j, i, );//从食物右到左牛
for(int i = ; i < n; i ++) {
scanf("%s", str);
for(int j = ; j < d; j ++) {
if(str[j] == 'Y')
addedge(n + i, * n + * f + j, );//从右牛到左饮料
// for(int i = 2; i <= tot; i ++) {
// printf("%d -> %d\n", edge[i].from, edge[i].to);
// }
printf("%d\n", dinic(s, t, * n + * f + * d + ));
return ;


 #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; const int maxn = + , maxm = * + , inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
int numf[maxn], numd[maxn];
char str[maxn]; int tot, head[maxn << ], que[maxn << ], dep[maxn << ], cur[maxn << ], sta[maxn << ]; struct Edge {
int to, cap, flow, next, from;
} edge[maxm << ]; void init() {
tot = ;
memset(head, -, sizeof head);
} void addedge(int u, int v, int w) {
edge[tot].to = v; edge[tot].cap = w; edge[tot].flow = ; edge[tot].from = u;
edge[tot].next = head[u]; head[u] = tot ++;
edge[tot].to = u; edge[tot].cap = ; edge[tot].flow = ; edge[tot].from = v;
edge[tot].next = head[v]; head[v] = tot ++;
} bool bfs(int s, int t, int n) {
memset(dep, -, sizeof dep[] * (n + ));
int front = , tail = ;
dep[s] = ;
que[tail ++] = s;
while(front < tail) {
int u = que[front ++];
for(int i = head[u]; ~i; i = edge[i].next) {
int v = edge[i].to;
if(edge[i].cap > edge[i].flow && dep[v] == -) {
dep[v] = dep[u] + ;
if(v == t) return true;
que[tail ++] = v;
return false;
} int dinic(int s, int t, int n) {
int maxflow = ;
while(bfs(s, t, n)) {
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) cur[i] = head[i];
int u = s, tail = ;
while(~cur[s]) {
if(u == t) {
int tp = inf;
for(int i = tail - ; i >= ; i --)
tp = min(tp, edge[sta[i]].cap - edge[sta[i]].flow);
maxflow += tp;
for(int i = tail - ; i >= ; i --) {
edge[sta[i]].flow += tp;
edge[sta[i] ^ ].flow -= tp;
if(edge[sta[i]].cap - edge[sta[i]].flow == ) tail = i;
u = edge[sta[tail] ^ ].to;
} else if(~ cur[u] && edge[cur[u]].cap > edge[cur[u]].flow && dep[u] + == dep[edge[cur[u]].to]) {
sta[tail ++] = cur[u];
u = edge[cur[u]].to;
} else {
while(u != s && cur[u] == -)
u = edge[sta[-- tail] ^ ].to;
cur[u] = edge[cur[u]].next;
return maxflow;
} int main() {
int n, f, d;
while(~scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &f, &d)) {
int s = * n + f + d, t = s + ;//超级源点和超级汇点
for(int i = ; i < f; i ++) {
scanf("%d", &numf[i]);
addedge(s, n * + i, numf[i]);
for(int i = ; i < d; i ++) {
scanf("%d", &numd[i]);
addedge(n * + f + i, t, numd[i]);
for(int i = ; i < n; i++) {
addedge(i, n + i, );//左牛到右牛
scanf("%s", str);
for(int j = ; j < f; j ++) {
if(str[j] == 'Y')
addedge( * n + j, i, );
for(int i = ; i < n; i ++) {
scanf("%s", str);
for(int j = ; j < d; j ++) {
if(str[j] == 'Y')
addedge(n + i, * n + f + j, );//从右牛到饮料
// for(int i = 2; i <= tot; i ++) {
// printf("%d -> %d\n", edge[i].from, edge[i].to);
// }
printf("%d\n", dinic(s, t, * n + f + d + ));
return ;




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