以下是Coursera上的How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers课程笔记。

Statistics and distance based features


groupby and nearest neighbor methods


我们可以暗示广告有 页面上的最低价格将吸引大部分注意力。 页面上的其他广告不会很有吸引力。 计算与这种含义相关的特征非常容易。 我们可以为每个广告的每个用户和网页添加最低和最高价格。 在这种情况下,具有最低价格的广告的位置也可以使用。


  • More feature
  • How many pages user visited
  • Standard deviation of prices
  • Most visited page
  • Many, many more



  • Explicit group is not needed
  • More flexible
  • Much harder to implement


  • Number of houses in 500m, 1000m,..
  • Average price per square meter in 500m, 1000m,..
  • Number of schools/supermarkets/parking lots in 500m, 1000m,..
  • Distance to colsest subway station


KNN features in springleaf

  • Mean encode all the variables
  • For every point, find 2000 nearst neighbors using Bray-Curtis metric

\[\frac{\sum{|u_i - v_i|}}{\sum{|u_i + v_i|}}

  • Calculate various features from those 2000 neighbors


  • Mean target of neatrest 5,10,15,500,2000, neighbors
  • Mean distance to 10 closest neighbors
  • Mean distance to 10 closest neighbors with target 1
  • Mean distance to 10 closest neighbors with target 0

Matrix factorizations for feature extraction

  • Example of feature fusion

Notes about Matrix Fatorization

  • Can be apply only for some columns
  • Can provide additional diversity
  • Good for ensembles
  • It is lossy transformation.Its' efficirncy depends on:
  • Particular task
  • Number of latent factors
    • Usually 5-100


  • Serveral MF methods you can find in sklearn
  • SVD and PCA
  • Standart tools for Matrix Fatorization
  • TruncatedSVD
  • Works with sparse matrices
  • Non-negative Matrix Fatorization(NMF)
  • Ensures that all latent fators are non-negative
  • Good for counts-like data

NMF for tree-based methods

non-negative matrix factorization简称NMF,它以一种使数据更适合决策树的方式转换数据。





  • Matrix Factorization is a very general approach for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction
  • It can be applied for transforming categorical features into real-valued
  • Many of tricks trick suitable for linear models can be useful for MF

Feature interactions


  • Example:banner selection


... category_ad category_site ... is_clicked
... auto_part game_news ... 0
... music_tickets music_news .. 1
... mobile_phones auto_blog ... 0


... ad_site ... is_clicked
... auto_part | game_news ... 0
... music_tickets | music_news .. 1
... mobile_phones | auto_blog ... 0


从技术角度来看, 有两种方法可以构建这种交互。

  • Example of interactions



  • 相似的想法也可用于数值变量


  • Multiplication
  • Sum
  • Diff
  • Division
  • ..

Practival Notes

  • We have a lot of possible interactions -N*N for N features.
  • a. Even more if use several types in interactions
  • Need ti reduce it's number
  • a. Dimensionality reduction
  • b. Feature selection


Interactions' order

  • We looked at 2nd order interactions.
  • Such approach can be generalized for higher orders.
  • It is hard to do generation and selection automatically.
  • Manual building of high-order interactions is some kind of art.

Extract features from DT

看一下决策树。 让我们将每个叶子映射成二进制特征。 对象叶子的索引可以用作新分类特征的值。 如果我们不使用单个树而是使用它们的整体。 例如,随机森林, 那么这种操作可以应用于每个条目。 这是一种提取高阶交互的强大方法。

  • How to use it

In sklearn:


In xgboost:



  • We looked at ways to build an interaction of categorical attributes
  • Extended this approach to real-valued features
  • Learn how to extract features via decision trees



Practical Notes

  • Result heavily depends on hyperparameters(perplexity)
  • Good practice is to use several projections with different perplexities(5-100)
  • Due to stochastic nature, tSNE provides different projections even for the same data\hyperparams
  • Train and test should be projected together
  • tSNE runs for a long time with a big number of features
  • it is common to do dimensionality reduction before projection.
  • Implementation of tSNE can be found in sklearn library.
  • But personally I perfer you use stand-alone implementation python package tsne due to its' faster speed.


  • tSNE is a great tool for visualization
  • It can be used as feature as well
  • Be careful with interpretation of results
  • Try different perplexities





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