BOOL DeleteVolumeMountPoint(
                                                      LPCTSTR lpszVolumeMountPoint  // volume mount point path

lpszVolumeMountPoint  :挂载点路径,必须以反斜杠'\'结尾。

[in] Pointer to a string that indicates the volume mount point to be
unmounted. This may be a root directory (X:\, in which case the DOS drive letter
assignment is removed) or a directory on a volume (X:\mnt\). A trailing
backslash is required.


It is not an error to attempt to unmount a volume from a volume mount point
when there is no volume actually mounted at that volume mount point.



CHAR szVolumeMountPoint[] = "C:\\share\\";

BOOL bRet = DeleteVolumeMountPoint(szVolumeMountPoint);

if (bRet)






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