一、select all/distinct 字段名/别名 from table where条件+【1】+【2】+【3】;

where条件:>,<,≥,≤,like,between and(闭区间),in ,not in,与&&,或||,非!



【1】:group by 【asc/desc】   asc:升序,desc:降序

【2】:order by

【3】:limit           limit 3:取前3条记录;limit 2,3:从第三条记录开始,共取3条记录(从位置2开始,length为3)----可以用来分页


先建一个表,id为主键(primary key),且自增长(auto_increment)

create table testabc (id int primary key auto_increment,name varchar(4));


insert into testabc set name='a';


insert into testabc (name) values ('a'),('b'),('c'),('c'),('a'),('a');

select * from testabc where name='a';

select * from testabc group by name;

限制前3个 select * from testabc limit 3;

select * from testabc limit 2,3; 从第三条记录开始,共取3条记录(从位置2开始,length为3)



select max(age) from stu;

select sex, count(*) from stu group by sex;

select sex,count(*),max(age),avg(age) from stu group by sex;


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