
(小提示,要安装Flash Builder4.6的时候,要把以前的Flash BUilder4.5卸载,不然会造成安装不成功的。)
1,打开安装好的Flash Builder 4.6 Prelease,创建一个Flex库项目。(小提示,这里建议用SDK4.5.1.不要用4.6.因为本人在发展用4.6的时候打包ANE有点问题。)
     (在配置一项确保选中的是通用库(适用于Web,桌面和手机项目),Flash SDK选4.5.1.如果安装好后没有。请去opensource.adobe.com下载一下该SDK)


  1. package com.coolexp
  2. {
  3. import flash.external.ExtensionContext;
  4. public class ANELibUtils
  5. {
  6. private static var extContext:ExtensionContext = null;
  7. public function ANELibUtils()
  8. {
  9. if (!extContext)
  10. {
  11. initExtension();
  12. }
  13. }
  14. public static function showBadageNum(num:int):int{
  15. if (!extContext)
  16. {
  17. initExtension();
  18. }
  19. return int(extContext.call("ShowIconBadageNumber",num));
  20. }
  21. //Initialize the extension by calling our "initNativeCode" ANE function
  22. private static function initExtension():void
  23. {
  24. trace ("Vibration Constructor: Create an extension context");
  25. // The extension context's context type  is NULL, because this extension
  26. // has only one context type.
  27. extContext = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext("com.coolexp.ANELib", null);
  28. //com.coolexp.ANELib这里我们用这个ExtensionID,确保后面在打包ANE文件的时候一致就可以了。
  29. extContext.call("initNativeCode");
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }



(如果下面的com.coolexp.ANELib,要跟上面的AS类文件里一致,libCoolExpLibANEIOS.a. 就是我们第一篇文章里得到文件)

  1. <extension xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/extension/2.5">
  2. <id>com.coolexp.ANELib</id>
  3. <versionNumber>1</versionNumber>
  4. <platforms>
  5. <platform name="iPhone-ARM">
  6. <applicationDeployment>
  7. <nativeLibrary>libCoolExpLibANEIOS.a</nativeLibrary>
  8. <initializer>ExtInitializer</initializer>
  9. <finalizer>ExtFinalizer</finalizer>
  10. </applicationDeployment>
  11. </platform>
  12. </platforms>
  13. </extension>



下面是Actionscript Library的项目下载地址:   <ignore_js_op> CoolExpANELib.fxpl.zip (2.22 KB, 下载次数: 194)


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