Given a wordlist, we want to implement a spellchecker that converts a query word into a correct word.

For a given query word, the spell checker handles two categories of spelling mistakes:

  • Capitalization: If the query matches a word in the wordlist (case-insensitive), then the query word is returned with the same case as the case in the wordlist.

    • Example: wordlist = ["yellow"]query = "YellOw"correct = "yellow"
    • Example: wordlist = ["Yellow"]query = "yellow"correct = "Yellow"
    • Example: wordlist = ["yellow"]query = "yellow"correct = "yellow"
  • Vowel Errors: If after replacing the vowels ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') of the query word with any vowel individually, it matches a word in the wordlist (case-insensitive), then the query word is returned with the same case as the match in the wordlist.
    • Example: wordlist = ["YellOw"]query = "yollow"correct = "YellOw"
    • Example: wordlist = ["YellOw"]query = "yeellow"correct = "" (no match)
    • Example: wordlist = ["YellOw"]query = "yllw"correct = "" (no match)

In addition, the spell checker operates under the following precedence rules:

  • When the query exactly matches a word in the wordlist (case-sensitive), you should return the same word back.
  • When the query matches a word up to capitlization, you should return the first such match in the wordlist.
  • When the query matches a word up to vowel errors, you should return the first such match in the wordlist.
  • If the query has no matches in the wordlist, you should return the empty string.

Given some queries, return a list of words answer, where answer[i] is the correct word for query = queries[i].

Example 1:

Input: wordlist = ["KiTe","kite","hare","Hare"], queries = ["kite","Kite","KiTe","Hare","HARE","Hear","hear","keti","keet","keto"]
Output: ["kite","KiTe","KiTe","Hare","hare","","","KiTe","","KiTe"]


  • 1 <= wordlist.length <= 5000
  • 1 <= queries.length <= 5000
  • 1 <= wordlist[i].length <= 7
  • 1 <= queries[i].length <= 7
  • All strings in wordlist and queries consist only of english letters.


Runtime: 96 ms, faster than 100.00% of C++ online submissions for Vowel Spellchecker.

第一种是我的做法 修改了TrieNode的结构,让它带了一个case_sensitive的标志位。如果带上大小写搜索,




1. 本来的字典可能有重复,我去。。。

2. 需要返回最小的index,那就把所有的求出来以后再求最小的index。


class TrieNode{
string word;
vector<string> wordlist;
TrieNode* lowercase[];
TrieNode* uppercase[];
for(int i=; i<; i++) lowercase[i] = nullptr;
for(int i=; i<; i++) uppercase[i] = nullptr;
}; class Trie{
TrieNode* root;
Trie(const vector<string>& wordlist, bool case_sensitive = true){
root = new TrieNode();
BuildTrie(wordlist, case_sensitive);
void BuildTrie(const vector<string>& wordlist, bool case_sensitive = true){ for(int i=; i<wordlist.size(); i++){
TrieNode* tmp = root;
for(int j=; j<wordlist[i].size(); j++){
char tmpchar = wordlist[i][j];
int idx = ;
if(tmpchar >= 'A' && tmpchar <= 'Z'){
idx = tmpchar - 'A';
}else idx = tmpchar - 'a';
if(!tmp->lowercase[idx]) tmp->lowercase[idx] = new TrieNode();
tmp = tmp->lowercase[idx];
if(tmpchar >= 'A' && tmpchar <= 'Z'){
idx = tmpchar - 'A';
if(!tmp->uppercase[idx]) tmp->uppercase[idx] = new TrieNode();
tmp = tmp->uppercase[idx];
}else {
idx = tmpchar - 'a';
if(!tmp->lowercase[idx]) tmp->lowercase[idx] = new TrieNode();
tmp = tmp->lowercase[idx];
tmp->word = wordlist[i];
}else {
bool hasword(string word, string& foundword, bool case_sensitive = true){
TrieNode* tmp = root;
locale loc;
for(int i=; i<word.size(); i++){
char tmpchar = word[i];
int idx = ;
tmpchar = tolower(tmpchar, loc);
idx = tmpchar - 'a';
if(!tmp->lowercase[idx]) return false;
tmp = tmp->lowercase[idx];
}else {
if(tmpchar >= 'A' && tmpchar <= 'Z') {
idx = tmpchar - 'A';
if(!tmp->uppercase[idx]) return false;
tmp = tmp->uppercase[idx];
} else {
idx = tmpchar - 'a';
if(!tmp->lowercase[idx]) return false;
tmp = tmp->lowercase[idx];
if(!case_sensitive) {
foundword = tmp->wordlist[];
return true;
return false;
if(!tmp->word.empty()) {
foundword = tmp->word;
return true;
return false;
}; class Solution {
set<char> vset;
unordered_map<string,int> mp;
vector<string> spellchecker(vector<string>& wordlist, vector<string>& queries) {
for(int i=; i<wordlist.size(); i++){
mp[wordlist[i]] = i;
vector<string> ret;
Trie trie_case_sensi = Trie(wordlist);
Trie trie_not_case_sensi = Trie(wordlist, false);
for(int i=; i<queries.size(); i++){
string foundword;
vector<string> foundwordvec;
if(trie_case_sensi.hasword(queries[i],foundword)) {
}else if(trie_not_case_sensi.hasword(queries[i], foundword, false)){
}else {
dfs(trie_not_case_sensi.root, queries[i], foundwordvec, );
int minidx = wordlist.size();
for(auto x : foundwordvec) minidx = min(minidx, mp[x]);
if(minidx == wordlist.size()) ret.push_back("");
else ret.push_back(wordlist[minidx]);
return ret;
} void dfs(const TrieNode* root,string query, vector<string>& ret, int start){
if(start == query.size()){
return ;
std::locale loc;
char c = tolower(query[start],loc);
int idx = ;
idx = c - 'a';
for(auto it = vset.begin(); it != vset.end(); it++){
char vsub = *it;
int newidx = ;
newidx = vsub - 'a';
if(!root->lowercase[newidx]) continue;
TrieNode* nextroot = root->lowercase[newidx];
dfs(nextroot, query, ret, start+);
if(!root->lowercase[idx]) return ;
TrieNode* nextroot = root->lowercase[idx];
dfs(nextroot, query, ret, start+);


class Solution {
public String[] spellchecker(String[] wordlist, String[] queries) {
Set<String> words = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(wordlist));
HashMap<String, String> cap = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, String> vowel = new HashMap<>();
for (String w : wordlist) {
String lower = w.toLowerCase(), devowel = lower.replaceAll("[aeiou]", "#");
cap.putIfAbsent(lower, w);
vowel.putIfAbsent(devowel, w);
for (int i = ; i < queries.length; ++i) {
if (words.contains(queries[i])) continue;
String lower = queries[i].toLowerCase(), devowel = lower.replaceAll("[aeiou]", "#");
if (cap.containsKey(lower)) {
queries[i] = cap.get(lower);
} else if (vowel.containsKey(devowel)) {
queries[i] = vowel.get(devowel);
} else {
queries[i] = "";
return queries;


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