# coding=utf-8
import os
import commands
import re
from pyExcelerator import * def execute(cmd):
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception('status is %s, output is %s' % (status, output))
return output def get_docker_name():
infos = execute("docker ps |awk '{print $1, $NF}'").split('\n')
regex = re.compile('\s+')
id_name = {}
for info in infos:
docker_id, docker_name = regex.split(info)
id_name[docker_id] = docker_name
return id_name def get_docker_mem():
regex = re.compile('\s+')
ret = execute('docker stats --no-stream').split('\n')
result_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'docker_res.xlsx')
id_name = get_docker_name()
w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('node_1_data')
ws.write(0, 0, 'docker_id')
ws.write(0, 1, 'docker_name')
ws.write(0, 2, 'mem(MB)')
index = 1
for docker in ret:
info = regex.split(docker)
docker_id = info[0]
mem = info[2]
unit = info[3]
if unit.startswith('G'):
mem = float(mem) * 1024
if unit.startswith('K'):
mem = float(mem) / 1024
mem = float(mem)
name = id_name[docker_id]
ws.write(index, 0, docker_id)
ws.write(index, 1, name)
ws.write(index, 2, mem)
index += 1
w.save(result_name) if __name__ == '__main__':


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