
接上文 Qt5官方demo解析集12——Qt
Quick Particles Examples - CustomParticles

先唠下嗑,在上文CustomParticles中我们接触了强大的ShaderEffect,笔者对其产生了极大的兴趣,于是去找了找有没有很多其它相关的例程,于是就发现了一个QML Video Shader Effects Example。确实效果华丽,以下放个图,回头再看看这个demo~

watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvY2xvdWRfY2FzdGxl/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="">





(1)All at once







import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle {
color: "white"
width: 640
height: 480
ParticleSystem {
id: sys
} ImageParticle {
// ![0]
sprites: [
Sprite {
name: "bear"
source: "qrc:/images/bear_tiles.png"
frameCount: 13
frameDuration: 120
colorVariation: 0.5
rotationVelocityVariation: 360
colorTable: "qrc:/images/colortable.png"
// ![0]
system: sys
} Friction {
factor: 0.1
system: sys
} Emitter {
system: sys
anchors.centerIn: parent
id: particles
emitRate: 200
lifeSpan: 6000
velocity: AngleDirection {angleVariation: 360; magnitude: 80; magnitudeVariation: 40}
size: 60
endSize: 120
} Text {
x: 16
y: 16
text: "QML..."
style: Text.Outline; styleColor: "#AAAAAA"
font.pixelSize: 32
Text {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.margins: 16
text: "... can you be trusted with the power?"
style: Text.Outline; styleColor: "#AAAAAA"
font.pixelSize: width > 400 ? 32 : 16


”  < - 就在这里。它纵向仅仅有一个像素。非常窄。




import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 540
color: "black"
ParticleSystem {
anchors.fill: parent
ImageParticle { // 背景星星
groups: ["stars"]
anchors.fill: parent
source: "qrc:///particleresources/star.png"
Emitter {
group: "stars"
emitRate: 800
lifeSpan: 2400
size: 24
sizeVariation: 8
anchors.fill: parent // 布满父对象的背景星星
} // ![0]
ImageParticle { // 未定义的group默觉得""
anchors.fill: parent
source: "qrc:///particleresources/star.png"
alpha: 0
alphaVariation: 0.2 // 多彩与透明效果
colorVariation: 1.0
// ![0] Emitter { // 默认发射group名为""的粒子
anchors.centerIn: parent
emitRate: 400
lifeSpan: 2400
size: 48
sizeVariation: 8
velocity: AngleDirection {angleVariation: 180; magnitude: 60} // 180的变化度,即是(-180,180)
} Turbulence { // 最后加入一些气流效果
anchors.fill: parent
strength: 2

(3)Color Table



Rectangle {
id: root
width: 360
height: 540
color: "black" ParticleSystem { id: particles } ImageParticle {
system: particles
colorVariation: 0.5
alpha: 0 //! [0]
source: "qrc:///particleresources/glowdot.png"
colorTable: "qrc:/images/colortable.png" // 这个与样例一同样
sizeTable: "qrc:/images/colortable.png" // 有意思的是,我们能够使用这个一维图像的透明度来决定粒子的尺寸,依据Manual所说,这个属性将在之后被移除。取而代之的是使用自己定义的缓和曲线
//! [0]
} Emitter {
system: particles
emitRate: 500
lifeSpan: 2000 y: root.height / 2 + Math.sin(t * 2) * root.height * 0.3 // 定义了一个相似∞的轨迹,删掉t中的2。它将变成一个椭圆
x: root.width / 2 + Math.cos(t) * root.width * 0.3
property real t; NumberAnimation on t {
from: 0; to: Math.PI * 2; duration: 10000; loops: Animation.Infinite
} velocityFromMovement: 20 velocity: PointDirection { xVariation: 5; yVariation: 5;} // 有一定的四周消散能力
acceleration: PointDirection { xVariation: 5; yVariation: 5;} size: 16
//endSize: 8
//sizeVariation: 8





import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle {
color: "goldenrod"
width: 400
height: 400
ParticleSystem {id:sys} //! [spin]
ImageParticle {
system: sys
groups: ["goingLeft", "goingRight"]
source: "qrc:/images/starfish_4.png"
rotation: 90 // (顺时针)旋转90度
rotationVelocity: 90 // 旋转速度
autoRotation: true // 定义该属性使粒子能依据运动轨迹自己主动旋转,这里是平移所以看不到效果
//! [spin]
//! [deform]
ImageParticle {
system: sys
groups: ["goingDown"]
source: "qrc:/images/starfish_0.png" // 换了一张图,这个星星不开心些
rotation: 180 // 旋转180度,倒过来了
yVector: PointDirection { y: 0.5; yVariation: 0.25; xVariation: 0.25; } // yVector參数是一个矢量,也就是说我们不仅能够压缩这个图像,还能使它随意拉伸(想象我们拉住一个四边形的两个角随意拉扯的效果)。
//! [deform] Timer {
running: true // 几个定时器用来发射粒子
repeat: false
interval: 100
onTriggered: emitA.enabled = true;
Timer {
running: true
repeat: false
interval: 4200
onTriggered: emitB.enabled = true;
Timer {
running: true
repeat: false
interval: 8400
onTriggered: emitC.enabled = true;
} Emitter { // 发射器。假设不清楚能够參考前面的博文
id: emitA
x: 0
y: 120
system: sys
enabled: false
group: "goingRight"
velocity: PointDirection { x: 100 }
lifeSpan: 4000
emitRate: 1
size: 128
Emitter {
id: emitB
x: 400
y: 240
system: sys
enabled: false
group: "goingLeft"
velocity: PointDirection { x: -100 }
lifeSpan: 4000
emitRate: 1
size: 128
Emitter {
id: emitC
x: 0
y: 360
system: sys
enabled: false
group: "goingDown"
velocity: PointDirection { x: 100 }
lifeSpan: 4000
emitRate: 1
size: 128


我们在上一节中就接触到了rotation,在那个里面rotation用来实现了图片的旋转动画。而这个样例则主要介绍了它的autoRotation - 自己主动转向。




import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle {
color: "goldenrod"
width: 1000
height: 1000
ParticleSystem {id: sys}
ImageParticle {
id: up
system: sys
source: "qrc:/images/starfish_2.png"
autoRotation: true // 这个属性我们前面有谈,再形象一点的话,假设海星星做圆周运动,它的脚会始终指向圆心
rotation: -90 // 粒子在自己主动旋转后会再加上这个旋转量,那么就得到了图中海星星对每一个运动方向都为正的效果
} Emitter {
anchors.centerIn: parent
system: sys
emitRate: 10
size: 200
lifeSpan: 10000
velocity: AngleDirection {angleVariation: 360; magnitudeVariation: 100;}
} MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent // 实现鼠标点击功能
onClicked: {
up.autoRotation = !up.autoRotation
up.rotation = up.autoRotation ? -90 : 0








// This example shows how to create your own highlight delegate for a ListView
// that uses a SpringAnimation to provide custom movement when the
// highlight bar is moved between items. import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle {
property real delegateHeight: 65
width: 200; height: 300
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#EEEEFF" }
GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "lightblue" }
} // Define a delegate component. A component will be
// instantiated for each visible item in the list.
Component { // 我们须要为listView的每一个可视项目创建一个组件,定义一个组件就相似定义了一个qml文件。这个文件名称就是petDelegate.qml,Item是它的根文件夹。组件中定义的可视化对象不会被直接渲染,除非它被其它类型所载入。
id: petDelegate // 在Item外我们仅仅能定义这个id名
Item { // Item作为这个可视化组件的根文件夹
id: wrapper
width: 200; height: delegateHeight
z: 10
Column {
Text {color: "blue"; text: name; font.pixelSize: 18 } // 按列排放的文字
Text {color: "blue"; text: 'Type: ' + type; font.pixelSize: 14 }
Text {color: "blue"; text: 'Age: ' + age; font.pixelSize: 14 }
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: listView.currentIndex = index; } // 被点击则作为当前对象
// indent the item if it is the current item
states: State {
name: "Current" // 设置一个当前状态
when: wrapper.ListView.isCurrentItem
PropertyChanges { target: wrapper; x: 20 } // x缩进20
transitions: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "x"; duration: 200 } // 为这个缩进加入一个动画
} // Define a highlight with customized movement between items.
Component { // 将高亮显示框也定义为一个组件
id: highlightBar
Rectangle { // Rectangle作为根文件夹
z: 0
width: 200; height: delegateHeight
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#99FF99" }
GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#88FF88" }
y: listView.currentItem.y; // y坐标与当前项目坐标一致
Behavior on y { SpringAnimation { spring: 2; damping: 0.2 } } // 为 y 的改变加入一个弹簧动画
//! [1]
ImageParticle { // 高亮框内的ImageParticle
anchors.fill: parent
system: particles
source: "qrc:/images/flower.png"
color: "red"
clip: true
alpha: 1.0
//! [1]
} ListView {
id: listView
width: 200; height: parent.height model: petsModel // 指定模型
delegate: petDelegate // 指定托付对象
focus: true // Set the highlight delegate. Note we must also set highlightFollowsCurrentItem
// to false so the highlight delegate can control how the highlight is moved.
highlight: highlightBar // 指定highlight托付对象
highlightFollowsCurrentItem: false // 因为我们要实现自己定义的highlight动画,因此将该属性设置为false ParticleSystem { id: particles } // ParticleSystem
Emitter { // Emitter
system: particles
anchors.fill: parent
emitRate: 0
lifeSpan: 10000
size: 24
sizeVariation: 8
velocity: AngleDirection { angleVariation: 360; magnitude: 3 }
maximumEmitted: 10
startTime: 5000 // 这个属性我们之前接触过了,它使Emitter被载入使直接显示5秒后的效果
Timer { running: true; interval: 10; onTriggered: parent.emitRate = 1; }
} //! [0]
ImageParticle { // 通用粒子,它覆盖了整个ListView,因此Emitter发射的粒子大部分通过它渲染
anchors.fill: parent // 可是当Emitter发射的粒子在高亮区域中时,它将转而使用highlight中的ImageParticle
system: particles // 因此粒子颜色与透明度都被改变了
source: "qrc:/images/flower.png" // 但因为highlight中的ImageParticle中的rotation未被设置
alpha: 0.1 // 因此粒子将继续採用此处的rotationVariation: 180
color: "white" // 这也就是ImageParticle中的属性共享
rotationVariation: 180
z: -1
//! [0]
} ListModel { // 为ListView提供数据
id: petsModel
ListElement {
name: "Polly"
type: "Parrot"
age: 12
size: "Small"
ListElement {
name: "Penny"
type: "Turtle"
age: 4
size: "Small"
ListElement {
name: "Warren"
type: "Rabbit"
age: 2
size: "Small"
ListElement {
name: "Spot"
type: "Dog"
age: 9
size: "Medium"
ListElement {
name: "Schrödinger"
type: "Cat"
age: 2
size: "Medium"
ListElement {
name: "Joey"
type: "Kangaroo"
age: 1
size: "Medium"
ListElement {
name: "Kimba"
type: "Bunny"
age: 65
size: "Large"
ListElement {
name: "Rover"
type: "Dog"
age: 5
size: "Large"
ListElement {
name: "Tiny"
type: "Elephant"
age: 15
size: "Large"
} }






import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle {
color: "lightsteelblue"
width: 800
height: 800
id: root SpriteSequence { // 该类型提供了一个机遇sprite的动画
sprites: Sprite {
name: "bear"
source: "qrc:/images/bear_tiles.png" // 图片贴在下方
frameCount: 13
frameDuration: 120
width: 250 // 定义小熊的位置与层次
height: 250
x: 20
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 20
} ParticleSystem { id: sys } ImageParticle {
anchors.fill: parent
id: particles
system: sys
sprites: [Sprite { // 定义各种状态的海星星。并等概率相互转换
name: "happy"
source: "qrc:/images/starfish_1.png"
frameCount: 1
frameDuration: 260
to: {"happy": 1, "silly": 1, "angry": 1}
}, Sprite {
name: "angry"
source: "qrc:/images/starfish_0.png"
frameCount: 1
frameDuration: 260
to: {"happy": 1, "silly": 1, "angry": 1}
}, Sprite {
name: "silly"
source: "qrc:/images/starfish_2.png"
frameCount: 1
frameDuration: 260
to: {"happy": 1, "silly": 1, "noticedbear": 0}
}, Sprite { // 在通常情况下,"noticedbear"状态无法达到
name: "noticedbear"
source: "qrc:/images/starfish_3.png"
frameCount: 1
frameDuration: 2600
} Emitter { // 海星星的发射器
system: sys
emitRate: 2
lifeSpan: 10000
velocity: AngleDirection {angle: 90; magnitude: 60; angleVariation: 5}
acceleration: PointDirection { y: 10 }
size: 160
sizeVariation: 40
width: parent.width
height: 100
} SpriteGoal { // 最后定义一个SpriteGoal使海星星在运动到矩形的左下部分时跳转到"noticedbear"状态
system: sys
width: root.width;
height: root.height/2;
y: root.height/2;



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