
 use strict;
use warnings; $_=' $$ oinn &&&
ninq kdownc
kkkk'; if (/(.*)k\Z/){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} # kkk if (/^n(.*)/m){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} #inq kdownc if (/(.*\bn.n\b.*)/){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} #no match if (/.*(\Bn.n\B).*/){print "$& and $1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} #aninp and nin if (/\w*(i)\w*/){print "$& and $1 and $` and $'\n";}else{print "no match\n";} #oinn and i and
# $$ and &&& my $new_words =
sw d
trp'; if ($new_words =~ /(.*)g$/m){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} #sewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ my $test = (<> =~ /^sd(.*)/m );if ($test){print "right!,it is $1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} #sdkkk
#right!,it is kkk my $what = shift @ARGV;if ($new_words =~ /(.*)($what$)/m){print "right!,it is $1 and $2\n";}else{print "no match\n";} # perl test.pl g
# right!,it is sewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ and g $new_words =~ /(.*)g$/m;$new_words =~ /(.*)s$/m;print "$1\n"; #sewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ $new_words =~ /(.*q)?(.*)g$/m;print "$2\n"; #sewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ $new_words =~ /(?:.*q)?(.*)g$/m;print "$1\n"; #sewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ $new_words =~ /(?:.*q)?(|s)(.*)g$/m;print "$1 and $2\n"; #s and ewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ $new_words =~ /(?:.*q)?(?:|s)(?<label>.*)g$/m;print "$+{label}\n"; #ewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ $new_words =~ /(?:.*q)?(?<label2>(|s))(?<label>.*)g$/m;print "$+{label} and $+{label2}\n"; #ewfbiurev214`7i074o//m,m]\[ and s my $test2 = 'aavvbbssd';
$test2 =~ /^(?<word1>.)\g{word1}(?<word2>.)\g{word2}/m;print "$+{word2} and $+{word1}\n"; #v and a print "|$`<$&>$'|\n"; #|<aavv>bbssd|


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