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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

$db = new DBDA();
$sql = "select distinct area from house";
$nr = $db->Query($sql);
$sql1 = "select distinct renttype from house";
$nr1 = $db->Query($sql1);
$sql2 = "select distinct housetype from house";
$nr2 = $db->Query($sql2);
<form action="0509test.php" method="post">
<div>区域:&nbsp;全选<input type="checkbox" id="xx" onclick="show(this,'xx')" /></div><br />
foreach($nr as $v)

echo "{$v[0]}<input type='checkbox' class='xx' value='{$v[0]}' name='dy[]'/>&nbsp;";
<div>租赁类型:&nbsp;全选<input type="checkbox" id="zl" onclick="show(this,'zl')" /></div><br />
foreach($nr1 as $v)

echo "{$v[0]}<input type='checkbox' class='zl' value='{$v[0]}' name='zl[]'/>&nbsp;";
<div>房屋类型:&nbsp;全选<input type="checkbox" id="fw" onclick="show(this,'fw')" /></div><br />
foreach($nr2 as $v)

echo "{$v[0]}<input type='checkbox' class='fw' value='{$v[0]}' name='fw[]'/>&nbsp;";
<div>关键字:<input type="text" name="gj"/></div>
<input type="submit" value="搜索"/>
$nr = "1=1";
$zl = "1=1";
$fw = "1=1";
$gj = "1=1";
$nr3 = $_POST["dy"];
$nr4 = implode("','",$nr3);
$nr = " area in ('{$nr4}')";

$zl3 = $_POST["zl"];
$zl4 = implode("','",$zl3);
$zl = " renttype in ('{$zl4}')";

$fw3 = $_POST["fw"];
$fw4 = implode("','",$fw3);
$fw = " housetype in ('{$fw4}')";

$gj3 = $_POST["gj"];
$gj = " keyword like '%{$gj3}%'";
$tj = " where {$nr} and {$zl} and {$fw} and {$gj}";
$sql3 = "select * from house".$tj;
$cx = $db->Query($sql3);

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
foreach($cx as $v)
echo "<tr><td>{$v[1]}</td><td>{$v[2]}</td><td>{$v[3]}</td><td>{$v[4]}</td><td>{$v[5]}</td><td>{$v[6]}</td></tr>";


<script type="text/javascript">
function show(a,b)
var xz = a.checked;
var ck = document.getElementsByClassName(b);

for(var i=0;i<ck.length;i++)
ck[i].checked = xz;



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