

T1   辣么简单,淼到极致的DP,我竟然打挂了= =,打挂了= =,只拿了75分啊,不能接受啊= =

T2   随便找找规律,瞎XX模拟一下就能A的鬼东西,我竟然打了个暴力+Floyed判环(是叫这个鬼东西吗= =),只水了50分啊,不能接受啊

T3   随便打打lca就能过的题,我竟然考场上忘了lca怎么打啊,暴力只拿了60分啊,不能接受啊= =




从去年做到现在的题啊= =










---update over---

Can Anybody See Me?

《I'm In Here》——Sia

I'm in here 
Can anybody see me
Can anybody help I'm in here
A prisoner of history
Can anybody help Can't you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me
I need you to hold
All of the sadness I can not
Living inside of me I'm in here
I'm trying to tell you something
Can anybody help I'm in here
I'm calling out but you can't hear
Can anybody help Can't you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me
I need you to hold
All of the sadness I can not
Living inside of me I'm crying out
I'm breaking down
I am fearing it all
Stuck inside these walls
Tell me there is hope for me Is anybody out there listening Can't you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me
I need you to hold
All of the sadness I can not
Living inside of me Can't you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me
I need you to hold
Living inside of me I'm in here
Can anybody see me
Can anybody help


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