The following table compares general and technical information for a selection of commonly used programming languages. See the individual languages' articles for further information. Please note that the following table may be missing some information.

Language Intended use Imperative Object-oriented Functional Procedural Generic Reflective Event-driven Other paradigm(s) Standardized?
ActionScript 3.0 Application, client-side, web Yes Yes Yes       Yes   1996, ECMA
Ada Application, embedded, realtime, system Yes Yes[2]   Yes[3] Yes[4]     concurrent,[5] distributed,[6] 1983, 2005, 2012, ANSI, ISO, GOST 2783
C Application, system,[11] general purpose, low-level operations Yes     Yes         1989, ANSI C89, ISO C90, ISO C99, ISO C11[12]
C# Application, RAD, business, client-side, general, server-side, web Yes Yes Yes[14] Yes Yes Yes Yes structured, concurrent 2000, ECMA, ISO[15]
C++ Application, system Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes       1998, ISO/IEC 1998, ISO/IEC 2003, ISO/IEC 2011,ISO/IEC 2014[13]
Java Application, business, client-side, general, mobile development, server-side, web Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes concurrent De facto standard via Java Language Specification
JavaScript Client-side, server-side, web Yes Yes Yes     Yes Yes prototype-based 1997, ECMA
Objective-C Application, general Yes Yes       Yes   concurrent No
Python Application, general, web, scripting, artificial intelligence, scientific computing Yes Yes Yes Yes   Yes   aspect-oriented "De facto" standard via Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)
Go Application, web, server-side Yes Yes[22] Yes Yes   Yes Yes concurrent De facto standard via Go Language Specification


  1. eclipse控制台下实现jdbc简单的增删改查测试
  2. JavaScript中数组的增删改查
  3. C#中堆和栈的区别分析
  4. Loadrunner中Throughput(吞吐量)的分析与计算
  5. Django网站管理、后台、模型(Admin)
  6. php--yii2.0框架的curl
  7. Assembly(程序集) 反射和缓存
  8. UITextFiled自动补全输入,选中补全内容。NSRange和UITextRange的相互转换。-b
  9. Windows DDB和DIB技术应用(3)--图元外边矩形检测
  10. oracle varchar2 和varchar 区别
  11. 还在为小三角形切图?使用纯CSS写一个简单的三角形
  12. BZOJ3133[ballmachine]——倍增+优先队列
  13. RIPS PHP源码静态分析(转)
  14. Confluence 6 整合到支持的附件存储选项
  15. vscode卡死问题
  16. iOS 开发的一些网址
  17. 【Jason】Jason拓展
  18. Linux下idea选择tomcat server 报错Warning the selected directory is not a valid tomcat home
  19. iOS 卡顿
  20. SQL(insert、delete、update)执行成功,但是数据库表中无显示无记录


  1. 优动漫PAINT是什么?有哪些功能和特色
  2. Linux分布式测试
  3. vue中使用base64进行加解密
  4. vue组件通信,点击传值,动态传值(父传子,子传父)
  5. [模板] zkw线段树
  6. 解决SpringBoot+JPA中使用set方法时自动更新数据库问题
  7. Spring 的IOC和DI
  8. 服务器重启后启动Docker命令
  9. Java Web学习总结(27)——JavaEE中Web服务器、Web容器、Application服务器区别及联系
  10. ContextLoaderListener的说明